This edition of the Canadian Briefings contains: an in depth look into how the legal department at the Royal Bank of Canada handles internal investigations, a review on Canada's new two stage merger review process, a look at privacy laws and regulations around the globe and a Canadian Roundup with a focus on the concept of service.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Intellectual Property Law eGroup, addresses a Web Developer's Reluctance to Indemnify a Law Firm Against Patent Infringement of Developer's Work Product For the Firm in the United States.
This article focuses on the main vulnerabilities and best practices in data protection - a view from the inside.
Did you know that in Quebec students are not required to earn an undergraduate degree before applying to law school? Read on to learn more about Quebec.
This Charity Law Bulletin reviews the exemption under CASL for registered charities in the recently published final regulations, together with a summary of information contained in earlier Charity Law Bulletins, as well as a brief review of practical steps charities and non-profit organizations can take to prepare for CASL.
An overview of doing business in Ontario, Canada. Includes a review of establishing a business in Canada, tax considerations, employment issues, and real estate issues.
This guide presents key items to keep in mind when doing business in Manitoba.
A letter notifying a website that it is illegally selling copyright products. Letter states that the company has not received information and instructs the company to cease the infringment.
On Feb. 5, 2013, broad amendments to the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA) were tabled in the Senate through Bill S-14. This article addresses the six major changes to the CFPOA that will result if Bill S-14 is enacted into law as presently drafted.
This article explains the intricacies of doing business in Europe, especially in the European Union, and the effects of the latest directives regarding ecommerce. The list of handy websites will help you research whatever question you’re facing at the moment regarding doing business in Europe electronically.
This article explains the legal differences between Canadian and US laws, as well as other helpful tips on practicing law in Canada.
This issue contains articles on outsourcing, developments in merger remedies, and the communication of personal information on clientele outside Canada.
This issue includes articles about defensive tactics, border and travel problems, navigating international tax authority and risk management in Canada.
Companies using third-party websites to promote growth enjoy many benefits: cheap, effective exposure; real-time consumer feedback and interaction; and relevancy in a changing market. there are risks, however, when marketing to social networks. Avoid the pitfalls and understand the legal issues lurking behind the walls and tweets.
This sample shows that employees are personally responsible for the content they publish on social networking websites or any other form of user-generated media.
In this article, learn how the Government of Canada is pursuing a consumer-focused agenda that includes more vigorous enforcement of Canada’s anti-cartel laws.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
This presentation promotes an interactive discussion of the duties and liabilities of directors and officers in the United States, Canada, and other jurisdictions. Of particular interest to in-house counsel in organizations with international operations, the program will focus on rights, liabilities, and other topics of unique importance to directors and officers of your company’s international subsidiaries and affiliates. The duties that are owed, by international directors, to other US-based directors, the corporation, and its shareholders are often scrutinized in the context of change of control transactions, conflict-of-interest disclosure, breach of confidentiality, and insider trading inquiries. The panel and audience will review a number of hypothetical scenarios and consider where conflicts can arise and how they might be proactively managed.
This is an example of anti-corruption policy for a smaller organization. An anti-corruption policy should be customized to the needs of the specific organization. The nature of the policy will depend on the specific needs of the organization based on its business and where it operates. The policy below is merely an example and provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
2006 has been a very good year for ACC, and I want to highlight some of ACC's major accomplishments: (1) 20,000 Members, (2) New Website, (3) New Educational and Networking Programs, (4) Expanded Resources, (5) Privilege Protection, and (6) Global Network of In-house Peers.
CRA narrowly interprets foreign affiliate income recharacterization rule. Read this short blurb to find out more.
A member-submitted memorandum drafted to provide a non-profit organization's legal department a CASL overview.
Patented medicine regulations in Canada can be complex and the review process is fast-paced. In this Top Ten, in-house counsel will learn the essential points of how to prepare for the "Regulations" review. Editor's note: This article was updated to reflect recent developments; a prior version of this article was published on August 6, 2020.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a high-level overview of the history and current state of Third Party Litigation Funding “TPLF” in Canada in its many forms and to highlight areas of future development.
What do you advise your company to do when someone starts a website that airs your company's dirty laundry, true and untrue, in public? In this article, six attorneys identify and debate key issues for you, offering practical tips for responding to anonymous cyber-gripers culled from the latest case law.
This due diligence search list is a checklist of areas and sources for a buyer to check in order to understand potential issues with respect to a business that is being purchased in Canada.
Read a short recap of key ESG developments in 2022 in Europe, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, Norway, and The Netherlands.
This Top Ten takes a look at the top ten considerations that operators of sports and entertainment venues should give related to the ADA's requirements.
Nearly every company has a website and uses the internet as a means for marketing and selling its products and services. Here's a plan for protecting your company's trademarks and domain names in cyberspace.
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