This article contains issues related to using social media in hiring that in-house counsel should consider.
A study of the state of maturity among in-house legal departments across 15 legal operations functions.
This QuickCounsel covers what information you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of 'ambush marketing', when a non-sponsor of an event to try to associate itself with the event without authorization from the event organizer and without paying the sponsorship fee, often to the detriment of the official sponsor and its brand.
The panel will de-mystify compliance with US privacy regulations including the recent CCPA regulations when it comes to collecting personal data from consumers and using third party analytics tools for product improvement and marketing purposes. The panel will provide practical tips on 1) how best to work with your internal clients in terms of information gathering, 2) the US privacy regulatory regime and the regulation of third party analytics tools and 3) how to take a privacy by design approach to compliance and avoid dark patterns when collecting personal information of consumers.
This program originally aired on Sept. 19, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Generously sponsored by Foley & Lardner LLP
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investing in businesses based in Canada and developing commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in 2019.
In this article you'll find tips, suggestions and insight to implement the cost-saving measures your company needs.
The road to finalizing a contract can be tricky. Here are seven steps that will help you balance being a guide and strategic advisor as you negotiate the right path for your company.
This Leading Practices Profile, which updates 2010’s Leading Practices in Privacy and Data Protection: What Companies Are Doing, examines the data security and privacy practices of six companies with operations spanning the globe.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on approaching investors in different jurisdictions, in relation to an offer or issue of shares.
Over the course of two sessions, learn how to structure and implement an effective compliance program; review hallmark DOJ guidance and discuss the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and their application to corporate compliance programs; learn how to conduct a gap analysis and design a compliance program that fits your organization’s needs; learn about successful program-building strategies and how to avoid compliance program pitfalls; and learn how to measure the effectiveness of your program and conduct a compliance audit.
Learn about the two new regulations in Argentina that bring changes to the Data Protection sector.
This practice profile is about the experiences of law departments at seven companies and a national law firm that, for varying reasons, decided to move some legal services to outside providers in the United States. It also describes service models used by some to in-source work that might have otherwise been performed by outside law firms. Featured corporate law departments are: Alcoa, Inc., American Express, DuPont, Golden West Financial; 3M, Reebok, and The Finish Line, Inc.
Climate change is upon us, and in-house counsel are struggling to mitigate risk in a warmer world. As the society-at-large moves toward a low carbon economy, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to assess and disclose its environmental impact. The future of sustainability is here, are you ready for what’s next?
A Checklist of best practices for public companies and their counsel to consider when the company and its employees are active in social media. This Checklist offers suggestions in dealing with the limitations and challenges that federal securities laws place on the use of social media and avoiding violations of the securities laws. This Checklist also covers social media use during sensitive disclosure periods, such as during securities offerings and proxy solicitations.
CMS Insurance Group’s InsurTech Expert Guide intends to sheds light on the outstanding opportunities that stem from the current rules on insurance distribution and digitalization technologies. The publication has also been designed to help traditional insurance and InsurTech companies prepare for future regulations.
Big Data, artificial intelligence, blockchain solutions, along with the innovative use of web platforms and mobile technology have brought distinct advantages to the insurance sector. However, to fully take advantage of these advances in technology market participants must adapt to the shifting regulatory environment.
Learn about Nigeria's 2022 data protection landscape and privacy trends for 2023.
This guide provides an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding vertical agreements and dominant firms across a range of jurisdictions.
Procurement of green energy and associated certificates is at the top of the agenda for many industrials, who are particularly impacted by soaring energy costs and required to meet ambitious ESG and decarbonization goals. As a result, industrial organizations are seeking to obtain all or most of their power from renewable sources.
A multijurisdictional overview of how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) trends influence pensions.
Motor vehicles are substantial sources of pollutants that cause smog and contribute to climate change. Taking a cue from California, which has always been at the forefront of fuel regulations, this interactive session will review the current rules affecting mobile sources, particularly transportation fuels. Faculty will then examine the various business risks and opportunities presented by alternative fuels programs and advanced vehicle technology programs. How are low carbon fuel standards credits different from renewable identification numbers? Are fuel cell vehicles the same as electric vehicles? How can companies take advantage of these rules and programs?
The rise of technological innovation brings a surge of patents - and worse - patent trolls.
50/50 raffles conducted at sporting events are an easy way for organizations to raise funds for charity. Participants purchase tickets at a low, predetermined amount and the holder of the winning ticket is awarded half of the proceeds from ticket sales. The other half of the pot is awarded to a charitable organization.
Learn about the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 in Ireland.
General counsel are expected to not only be lawyers but also leaders of a team. Legal acumen is honed through years of law firm and in-house practice, but a high-profile leadership position demands additional skills. From setting the strategic vision to building relationships and developing talent, learn what it takes to lead a law department.
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