This article explores how increased opportunities and regulation surrounding data has impacted Hong Kong businesses. This resource was produced in March 2019.
Learn how to establish a "Made in USA" compliance program and avoid liability.
In-house counsels are under increasing pressure (especially from procurement colleagues) to run formal RFPs (Requests for Proposals), or tenders, in order to compare offers from law firms and select on an "objective" basis. In this session our speakers will lead a discussion on the pointers and pitfalls in running an RFP when selecting a law firm.
Hurdles await any company seeking to expand its footprint outside of currently-known geographic territories. Explore key potential pitfalls and means to navigate your way to success by leveraging a global mindset at all phases of your next multinational contract negotiation.
A Checklist of best practices for public companies and their counsel to consider when the company and its employees are active in social media. This Checklist offers suggestions in dealing with the limitations and challenges that federal securities laws place on the use of social media and avoiding violations of the securities laws. This Checklist also covers social media use during sensitive disclosure periods, such as during securities offerings and proxy solicitations.
Are you an old-story leader or a new-story leader? Find out where you stand in the spiritual awakening that is stirring in the workplace and why you should care.
The panel will de-mystify compliance with US privacy regulations including the recent CCPA regulations when it comes to collecting personal data from consumers and using third party analytics tools for product improvement and marketing purposes. The panel will provide practical tips on 1) how best to work with your internal clients in terms of information gathering, 2) the US privacy regulatory regime and the regulation of third party analytics tools and 3) how to take a privacy by design approach to compliance and avoid dark patterns when collecting personal information of consumers.
This program originally aired on Sept. 19, 2023. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.
Generously sponsored by Foley & Lardner LLP
This guide addresses key labor and employment laws in a number of jurisdictions.
A report reviewing significant wage and hour developments at both the federal and state level.
Increasingly, non-IT companies are becoming "accidental" licensors, licensing their internally built accounting, inventory, human resources, supply chain, or other software systems in order to capitalize on these developments. If your company becomes a software licensor, you may encounter many important and problematic legal issues relevant to the modification, distribution, and protection of your code. They include the permitted use of open source code in commercial applications, clean room development, government rights in software created with government funds, intellectual property protection for software, reverse-engineering, and encryption export controls. This article analyzes these questions and more through familiar hypothetical scenarios.
This ACC Guide sponsored by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP provides an overview of five specific aspects of brand protection and enhancement in the United States.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Melbourne 22 February 2017.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Adelaide 28 February 2017.
The Good, the Bad and the Strategy - IP in Changing Times - presentation held in Brisbane 23 March 2017.
Drone Laws - presentation held in Sydney 30 March 2017.
A study of the state of maturity among in-house legal departments across 15 legal operations functions.
The Digital Marketers Act published 11 May 2022 will have consequences for the EU on the following: more information on costs and metrics with digital advertising, limitations in targeting, and limitations on targeting minors and profiling based on sensitive data.
Learn cybersecurity measures businesses can consider taking in order to better safeguard their systems and data against potential cyber threats, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
In this article you'll find tips, suggestions and insight to implement the cost-saving measures your company needs.
The road to finalizing a contract can be tricky. Here are seven steps that will help you balance being a guide and strategic advisor as you negotiate the right path for your company.
Learn about international soft law frameworks - standards, laws, and proposed laws regarding digitization and digital tools.
Top Ten tips for developing a structured approach in order to maximize your transition time.
In this brief overview, learn how a no-deal Brexit will impact legal privilege in your communications with outside counsel.
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