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This material discusses the elements of successfully recalling a product including the crisis management and media aspect of such an event.

This material focuses on the primary legislation of EC Competition, Article 81 and 82 of the EC treaty and guidelines of what to keep in mind when the European Commission begins an investigation.

We probably remember grandma's rotary phone that’s now considered an antique. Moving into the 21st century, your company is most likely using or planning to use voice over IP, or VOIP technology. This cost-saving version of the telephone presents exciting technological possibilities, yet poses serious global regulatory pitfalls for the unwary. This panel is directed at the essential strategies, tips and traps that in-house counsel –– at both current and future VOIP-enabled customers, service providers and technology licensors should know.

If your company is doing business outside the United States, you need to attend this session to be brought up-to-date on all applicable privacy laws. Many global organizations have had to change the way they handle personal information and privacy issues. Personal data that used to be considered public and obvious has since become a sensitive issue, both from a legal and PR perspective, and applicable laws are now being enforced with more rigor.

Data security laws are rapidly changing the way organizations manage information worldwide. Breach investigations are becoming increasingly complex and pose greater risk including potential international effect. Recent breaches in the UK have literally changed the political landscape there. In Europe, huge fines have been imposed in recent cases.

For over 50 years, members of the European Union have worked to create a single, harmonized pan-European internal market. However a seeming paradox has arisen: The more "harmonizing” legislation is passed at EU level, the more important divergent nationals laws become. This rise of national law, combined with the devolution of activity from EU to national regulators, has serious “real world” compliance ramifications for companies doing business in Europe.

Increased levels of corruption, a heightened regulatory environment, and pointed questions from their auditors and boards, have led companies to be much more vigilant in their efforts to address corporate fraud. This session focused on the role of in-house counsel in designing, implementing, and communicating an anti-fraud program. We considered areas of vulnerability, early detection processes, how to avoid and prepare for possible litigation stemming from corporate fraud, and how to reduce potential for class action lawsuits.

What are the latest trends and events in anti-corruption enforcement? As in-house counsel practicing globally you need to know. This session addressed the current state of the anti-corruption and bribery laws applying to the international activities of US companies including the application of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and non-US laws such as those of the 37 countries who are signatories or concurring countries to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation (OECD) and certain United Nation treaties.

A presentation on how to fulfill the EU requirements for product safety.

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