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On 11 February 2014, the Council of the European Union unanimously adopted the new EU public procurement regime which had been approved by the European Parliament on 15 January 2014. Read more about these directives here.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union

Linking to protected content on a free website does not constitute an unauthorised "communication to the public", according to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) (Case C-466/12 Svensson) on 13 February 2014. Read more about this decision in this Ashurst article.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union
Wragge & Co
4 pages

This article discusses whether the United States Safe Harbor framework provides an adequate level of protection for European Union businesses that transfer personal data to U.S. companies.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, United States
Allen & Overy

1 January 2014 saw the implementation of Basel III in the European Union (EU) via the Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV) and the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). These twin pieces of regulatory reform represent the biggest change to capital requirements for financial institutions since the financial crisis. The combined reforms introduce new capital, leverage and liquidity requirements, whilst also introducing new concepts such as capital buffers and imposing regulatory frameworks on securitisations, derivatives trading and remuneration policies. Read this series of briefing papers on the impact of CRD IV and the CRR.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union
Maclay Murray & Spens LLP, Lex Mundi member firm for Scotland

This risk assessment framework is intended to assist you in identifying the key internal and external competition risks facing our business.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, United Kingdom
Perle Krüger and Assia Belaïd, University of Montpellier, Centre du Droit de l'Entreprise

This brief article reviews regulations applicable to crowd-funding in France, the United Kingdom, and Italy, with some discussion of the practical application of the rules.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, France, Italy, United Kingdom

This QuickCounsel reviews the intersection of franchises and labor law in the European Union, with particular focus on French law.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, France, Germany, Austria
David Goodis, Mark Harrington, Dominic Jaar, Chad McManamy, and Shira Scheindlin

EU data privacy laws make the collection of Electronically stored information (ESI) and its transfer out of Europe challenging. The session will begin with a brief update of U.S. case law focusing on cross-border discovery generally, and then turn to a discussion of Privacy by Design ("PbD"), which has become the gold standard for privacy protection in the 21st Century. This discussion will cover examples of how PbD has been operationalized and used to address the challenges presented by EU data privacy laws. The session will then cover Europe's acknowledgement of Canada's stringent privacy laws which make it a unique base for e-discovery collection, analysis and review. By collecting ESI from European employees into Canada, and then culling down/reviewing ESI in Canada to identify responsive email and documents, organization can minimize the amount of ESI for which they must obtain consent from employees for transfer to the U.S.

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Source: Meetings
Region: European Union
Debra Condino, Morag Macdonald, Wouter Pors, and David Simon

After a 40-year history of negotiations, it is expected that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) will soon become a reality in Europe. The UPC will have jurisdiction for litigation relating to the new Unitary Patent and the European Patent granted by the European Patent Office. Attend this session to hear the latest on this groundbreaking development, and its implications for obtaining and defending patents in Europe.

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Source: Meetings
Region: European Union
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP

This Top Ten provides guidance on due diligence reviews for cloud computing vendors and systems.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, United Kingdom
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