An insurance policy for workers compensation insurance, employers liability insurance, other states insurance, and the employer's duties if injury occurs/
A "Claims-Made and Reported" policy that requires a claim to be made upon the insured and reported to the company during the policy period and contains provisions which limit the amount of legal defense expense the company is responsible to pay in connection with claims.
A sample insurance broker of record agreement that can be canceled by either party at any time subject to 3 months written notice.
This profile and its attendant resources are written to help in-house counsel assess their emerging role in preventing corporate failures, the risks they face (personally and professionally) in representing the company/organization in that capacity, and protections available to in-house counsel in the in- house employment setting.
406 The General Counsel as Risk Manager
A checklist of information and documents required for the establishment of a
subsidiary in the form of a Limited Liability Company in Romania.
This webcast discusses preparation for and response to accidental environmental release, including liquid spills and releases that go straight to the atmosphere.
A brief arguing that due process requires legal standards to determine when and in what amount punitive damages are to be inflicted
A survey in which respondents provided information on indemnification and insurance coverage available to lawyers at their companies, their thoughts on coverage options, and emerging liability issues of concern.