Check out ten important issues to take into consideration when renewing a business's insurance policies.
It’s hard to envision a medical evaluation without a stethoscope. Invented in 1816, it revolutionized the information-gathering capabilities of doctors. Nowadays, many medical devices contain configurable embedded computer systems. Where there are computers, there are vulnerabilities. Learn more about the cybersecurity risks of medical devices.
The Stark Law is more properly, if less frequently, referred to as the federal physician self-referral law. Read this article to learn more.
This newsletter is published by the law firm Venable LLP. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinion. Such advice may only be given when related to specific fact situations that Venable has accepted an engagement as counsel to address.
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) makes dramatic changes to benefit programs and creates new notification requirements for employer plans during open enrollment. Many ACA changes took effect on the first plan year on or after September 23, 2010, while others become effective in subsequent plan years. This checklist will help employers navigate through this process.
This Top Ten provides a brief overview of important tips for addressing and mitigating insider threats in a cost-efficient manner.
This is a report to the Board of Directors of General Motors regarding ignition switch recalls.
This Consent Order is based on the agreement of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), and General Motors Company (“GM”) to resolve claims associated with NHTSA’s Timeliness Query TQ14-001.
This is a sample notice to employees explaining how medical information about them may be used.