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Finally now that large amounts of email and unstructured data are in M365 organizations are ready to apply automated disposition for expired information. Except many of these initiatives are coming to a grinding halt when it is discovered that this automated disposition may violate custodian-based legal holds. In this advanced webinar Greg Forest from Contoural will discuss how to migrate traditional IT or custodian-based legal hold processes to more compliant and disposition friendly process that leverages M365 retention and disposition controls. He will review how to implement broad early case holds until the Meet and Conference, which can then be narrowed and held until the release. Preserve what you must to be compliant and defensive while still allowing ongoing disposition of non-relevant expired information. Release and dispose when done. Just us for what will be a lively conversation.

Speakers: Greg Forest and Tom Mighell

Finally now that large amounts of email and unstructured data are in M365 organizations are ready to apply automated disposition for expired information. Except many of these initiatives are coming to a grinding halt when it is discovered that this automated disposition may violate custodian-based legal holds. In this advanced webinar Greg Forest from Contoural will discuss how to migrate traditional IT or custodian-based legal hold processes to more compliant and disposition friendly process that leverages M365 retention and disposition controls. He will review how to implement broad early case holds until the Meet and Conference, which can then be narrowed and held until the release. Preserve what you must to be compliant and defensive while still allowing ongoing disposition of non-relevant expired information. Release and dispose when done. Just us for what will be a lively conversation.

Speakers: Greg Forest and Tom Mighell

An ongoing accumulation of emails, files, and paper documents can increase costs, raise risks, and undermine records programs. It seems like every move to cull this pile of documents and data either runs afoul of legal holds, faces a wall of opposition from the business units, or is simply too difficult. In this presentation, you will learn real-world, best practices for compliantly, defensibly, and easily deleting electronic information.


Tom Mighell, Chief Operating Officer of Delivery Services, Contoural

An ongoing accumulation of emails, files, and paper documents can increase costs, raise risks, and undermine records programs. It seems like every move to cull this pile of documents and data either runs afoul of legal holds, faces a wall of opposition from the business units, or is simply too difficult. In this presentation, you will learn real-world, best practices for compliantly, defensibly, and easily deleting electronic information.


Tom Mighell, Chief Operating Officer of Delivery Services, Contoural

Information governance (IG) overwhelms companies, creating compliance risks, increased discovery costs, privacy threats, and lower employee productivity. Siloed approaches to information governance fall short. This program explores building the case for a cross-functional approach to information governance. After this session, attendees will be able to list IG compliance risks and related in-house counsel's ethical responsibilities; identify messaging strategies to get C-suite support for IG; list the ideal composition of an IG committee; obtain a seven-step project plan for launching an IG program; and quantify the benefits of an IG program. Attendees will also receive a business case outline to present to the C-suite, sample committee charter, and checklist of do's and don'ts in building your case.

Join us for what's certain to be a lively discussion.


Mark Diamond, Founder, President & CEO, Contoural

Information governance (IG) overwhelms companies, creating compliance risks, increased discovery costs, privacy threats, and lower employee productivity. Siloed approaches to information governance fall short. This program explores building the case for a cross-functional approach to information governance. After this session, attendees will be able to list IG compliance risks and related in-house counsel's ethical responsibilities; identify messaging strategies to get C-suite support for IG; list the ideal composition of an IG committee; obtain a seven-step project plan for launching an IG program; and quantify the benefits of an IG program. Attendees will also receive a business case outline to present to the C-suite, sample committee charter, and checklist of do's and don'ts in building your case.

Join us for what's certain to be a lively discussion.


Mark Diamond, Founder, President & CEO, Contoural

This program originally aired on November 16, 2022. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.

In order to comply with California and other privacy requirements, many companies are creating data retention policies for the compliant retention and disposition of personal information, only to quickly find that stand-alone data retention policies can conflict with other compliance requirements as well as legitimate business needs. Furthermore, companies are finding out that, once developed, data retention policy execution can be difficult and inconsistent. On this Contoural Webcast, Stacey Shaw, Kerry Childe, Esq. and Mark Diamond will discuss creating a data retention policy that meets privacy requirements, doesn't conflict with other compliance requirements, and is easier to execute, including:

  • Managing conflicts between privacy, records retention and other requirements
  • Developing a business justification process for retaining privacy information to meet legitimate business needs
  • Leveraging your records retention schedule to speed up policy development
  • Designing policies that are both compliant and easier to execute

Generously sponsored by Contoural


This program originally aired on November 16, 2022. Please note that the on-demand format of this program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.

In order to comply with California and other privacy requirements, many companies are creating data retention policies for the compliant retention and disposition of personal information, only to quickly find that stand-alone data retention policies can conflict with other compliance requirements as well as legitimate business needs. Furthermore, companies are finding out that, once developed, data retention policy execution can be difficult and inconsistent. On this Contoural Webcast, Stacey Shaw, Kerry Childe, Esq. and Mark Diamond will discuss creating a data retention policy that meets privacy requirements, doesn't conflict with other compliance requirements, and is easier to execute, including:

  • Managing conflicts between privacy, records retention and other requirements
  • Developing a business justification process for retaining privacy information to meet legitimate business needs
  • Leveraging your records retention schedule to speed up policy development
  • Designing policies that are both compliant and easier to execute


From pandemics to social unrest to supply chain disruption, the past two years have brought enough turmoil to stall or topple many a corporate governance initiative. Companies are finding it hard to maintain momentum. Keeping your initiatives on track well before they are buffeted by the winds of change. In this session, hear best practices for futureproofing your initiative to be resilient and keep it moving forward, even during times of disruptive change. No one can foretell what disruptions the future might bring, so learn how to build in resilience before the future comes.

Due to the nature of its content, this on-demand program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.

Generously sponsored by Contoural


From pandemics to social unrest to supply chain disruption, the past two years have brought enough turmoil to stall or topple many a corporate governance initiative. Companies are finding it hard to maintain momentum. Keeping your initiatives on track well before they are buffeted by the winds of change. In this session, hear best practices for futureproofing your initiative to be resilient and keep it moving forward, even during times of disruptive change. No one can foretell what disruptions the future might bring, so learn how to build in resilience before the future comes.

Due to the nature of its content, this on-demand program is not eligible for CLE/CPD credit.


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