This is an information governance senior management business case checklist.
This Quick Counsel outlines how to hire, train, develop objectives for, and supervise a records management & information governance team.
This Top Ten lists the attributes of a modern, compliant and executable records retention schedule
This brief resource (QuickCounsel) speaks about employee behavior change management programs for Information Governance in the United States.
The threat of ransomware attacks and their potential damage on organizations continues. This checklist includes steps organizations can take to minimize the likelihood and the effects of a successful attack.
This is a list of some basic action items to consider, given the widespread and ongoing impact of WannaCry ransomware, along with the likelihood of spin-off ransomware coming in the near future.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses the challenges associated with moving from hard copy contracts and towards electronic records management systems, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the Law Department Management ACC Network.*
This white paper explores the reasons that defensible disposition programs stall out, and outlines several strategies to help organizations “push the delete button” with confidence.
This article outlines the benefits of replacing a reactive, ad-hoc discovery process with a proactive litigation readiness program that can substantially reduce the risks and costs of implementing legal holds, collecting relevant electronically stored information (ESI), and otherwise responding to eDiscovery requests for companies based in the United States.