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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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As more and more in-house counsel and companies are selecting arbitration as a means to handle international disputes in a faster, fairer and more cost effective manner, the timely introduction of the new Arbitration Rules from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), give us an opportunity to review the advantages and challenges in selecting arbitration as a form of international dispute resolution.

An overview of the issues social media present for employers. Includes a discussion of the risks for employees, employers, relevant regulations, and other legal developments.

This program will explore what companies are required under SEC guidance, or may soon be required (by regulation or consumer demand), to disclose regarding how much carbon their products have generated, the chemicals used in their products, the origin of product materials and the well-being of the workers making their products. This may soon be required of the entire supply chain for products.

Coverage of the important items to address when handling a special real estate sale, focusing primarily on a Sale/Leaseback transaction (in which your company sells real estate it owns to another party and then leases the same property back from that party to free up the capital invested in the property for other uses) and a sale of real estate under Section 1031 of the US Tax Code in which you defer taxes on the dollar gain from the real estate sale by using those proceeds to buy other “like kind” real estate (either before or after the sale) pursuant to the specific conditions of Section

A detailed presentation on TItle IX of Dodd-Frank.

Though pro-union labor law reform may no longer be at the top of the legislative agenda, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is hard at work pushing to change national labor policy through administrative action. A wave of Board decisions will make it easier for unions to organize workers, and new rules could profoundly change the direction of modern labor law. At the same time, the President (through Executive Orders), Congress (think health care reform), the Department of Labor and other government agencies have made significant labor-related changes that affect every employer.

From concept to sales in the marketplace, the IP lawyer is working with the marketing department. Leave this session with tips for making your relationship with the marketing department successful when it comes to conversations such as how to roll out marketing plans, templates, style guides, and branding requirements. Also learn how to communicate with the marketing department to put procedures in place prior to the launch of any marketing initiative. Finally, walk away with some marketing lingo that will help you improve your overall relations with the department.

Whether it’s plaintiff’s attorneys or the federal or state government, the healthcare industry is under constant scrutiny and attack. Join experienced in-house and outside healthcare counsel explain the current trends, what might be looming on the horizon, and what you should do if an investigator knocks on your door.

Come hear about the latest whistleblower and retaliation claim trends under the Dodd-Frank Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and other federal and state employment laws. Our chorus of experts will share best practices for developing programs to encourage escalation of issues internally and keys to effective internal investigation and resolution. The encore will be a medley of ethical and privilege considerations for the role of counsel in investigations.

What are the current legal challenges arising from workplace romances? Should you implement a no- fraternization policy? Electronic flirting and sexting and the out-of-control use of social networking; how employers are coping with employees’ use of recreational and prescription drugs ; the challenge of regulating employee appearance including weight, dress, tattoos and body piercings; conflicts arising from offensive or objectionable music and “art” in the workplace. Do these issues vary from state to state and country to country?

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