Checklist, US, OSHA
This is a basic diligence request list that should be customized and updated to address deal-specific issues such as country-specific legal requirements and known issues arising from the target’s operations and/or deal structure.
The Association of Corporate Counsel U.S. States' Privacy Capability Maturity Model provides a detailed maturity model for all aspects of an organization's privacy program. It seeks to gauge program capability across a variety of program elements, taking a "big picture" view on how ready organizations are to comply with these requirements.
This is a sample policy for offsite records storage cost reduction strategies.
A key element to executing an effective records management or Information Governance program is ensuring that the right stakeholders are engaged.
Putting together an effective training program involves working with a communications and training group to understand what kind of communication plans have been successful in the past in the organization and understanding what kind of platforms are available for training. A good training plan lays out the resources and responsibilities for training.