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3 pages

This document outlines considerations to be made when determining where Operations Teams should prioritize their resources, as well as a sample prioritization based on experience working with many Operations teams.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
5 pages

To meet the need to recognize and encourage talent, especially when promotion is not available or appropriate for the situation, this document’s purpose is to generate ideas about how to engage team members, as well as things to keep in mind when recognizing team members for a job well done.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Audience: Legal Operations
4 pages

This document’s purpose is to assist in the facilitation of a conversation with Law Department team members who are looking to advance their careers. The topics outlined in the far left column should be amended to meet the needs of the unique Law Department, and the document could be amended for different time frames depending on the goal of the individual.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
4 pages

Overview of Knowledge Management and the toolkit documents.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
2 pages

Sample job description outlining the Legal Knowledge Manager role, responsibilities and qualifications.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Audience: Legal Operations
6 pages

Sample job descriptions for various levels of Knowledge Management business analysts.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
3 pages

A checklist of department information-sharing processes and opportunities.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
1 pages

A graphic to promote the value of and generate interest in a department’s Knowledge Management program.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
1 pages

This checklist is for use by managers to assure an orderly capture and transition of company information from departing lawyers, so the company does not risk losing valuable organizational knowledge with every departure.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
3 pages

A tool to help departments define the purpose and goals of a Knowledge Management program in their specific organization and identify strategies to achieve the goals.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Law Department Management
Source: Resource Library
Region: Global
Audience: Legal Operations
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