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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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This is a sample company code of conduct and ethics policy.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample code of conduct and conflicts of interest policy for directors, officers and senior team leaders.

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Interest Area: Compliance and Ethics
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
1 person found this helpful.

This is a sample code of business conduct and ethics policy.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample personnel policy concerning corporate credit card use.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample agreement regarding corporate credit cards.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

The purpose of this Credit Card Policy is to assist our Employees with ensuring expenses are incurred in a valid, judicious, time efficient, and consistent manner.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample company-issued credit card usage agreement.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample corporate credit card agreement.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a template policy for the use of corporate credit cards.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample personnel policy on the use of corporate credit cards.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
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