Don Hughes talks to ACC Docket about the trend of European companies moving into emerging markets.
Printable wallet sized cards with practical advise about antitrust.
Attendees at the 2011 CCU program in New Orleans talk about the importance of networking to fulfilling career goals.
Therese Lee, global ethics & compliance counsel for Google, shares why she loves her job.
David Weyant, senior vice president and general counsel for Alberta Health Services, shares takeaways from ACC Alberta's first event, "A View From the Top," which offered solutions to challenges for in-house counsel in Calgary.
Nancy A. Nord, commissioner, Consumer Product Safety Commission, and former ACC President (1982 – 1991) urges in-house counsel to reach out to regulators with advice from their "real-world experience." She says getting involved early, when regulators are putting together the record that will support regulations, is most effective.
A quick reference guide for comparing terms favorable to a buyer and a seller.
The purpose of this comparative overview, covering 24 countries, is to provide employers with a comprehensive overview of each jurisdiction starting with the legal sources on salary and holiday pay, and includes an analysis of how income tax and social security contributions are calculated.