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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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This is a template declaration pursuant to the UK Companies Act 2006 s185(2) from a director that he/she has an interest in a specified firm or company, or that he/she is connected to a specified person, and is to be regarded as interested in any future contact with that company, firm or person.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United Kingdom

This is a sample of how to set up board minutes for the establishment of a board committee.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Carlos Ferrán Martínez, Cuesta Campos y Asociados

This QuickCounsel describes the process of employees profit sharing in Mexico ("PTU").

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Source: Resource Library
Region: Mexico
Allen O'Rourke
2 pages

This is a list of some basic action items to consider, given the widespread and ongoing impact of WannaCry ransomware, along with the likelihood of spin-off ransomware coming in the near future.

Rontavian Mack, Charlotte Robin, Paisley Simonnet, University of Montpellier, Centre du Droit de l'Entreprise, Program of Master 2 "Droit du Commerce International"

This Quick Overview discusses how contractual freedom to choose the applicable law is the rule in Europe and how this rule is subject to restrictions with respect to consumer contracts.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, France
5 pages

This white paper explores the reasons that defensible disposition programs stall out, and outlines several strategies to help organizations “push the delete button” with confidence.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
7 pages

Waiting for litigation to occur can be both risky and expensive – especially for companies with high litigation profiles. Because of their urgency, responding to discovery and placing legal holds can disrupt business operations and consume available resources, making it hard for a company to get out of the reactive discovery mindset. Instead of waiting for discovery requests to appear, organizations in the Untied States need to anticipate and prepare for future litigation requirements.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Contoural, Inc.

This article discusses how the Data Classification Standard (DCS) will specify security controls for identified activities that could potentially affect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the documents or data.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Contoural, Inc.
5 pages

This article outlines the benefits of replacing a reactive, ad-hoc discovery process with a proactive litigation readiness program that can substantially reduce the risks and costs of implementing legal holds, collecting relevant electronically stored information (ESI), and otherwise responding to eDiscovery requests for companies based in the United States.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample of information governance project plans.

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