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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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David Simon

This article discusses the reasons compliance training is a must for businesses.

Ron Barger <br />General Counsel <br />Archon <br />A. Verona Dorch <br />Assistant General Counsel <br />Harsco Corporation <br />Scott Peterson <br />Assistant Genera Counsel <br />Nabors Corporate Services <br />Rich Seleznov <br />Managing Director, Legal Consulting <br />Huron Consulting <br />

Tired of having your advice ignored and resources cut because “Legal is only a cost center”? At different times, the law department leader must be a counselor, futurist, historian, diplomat, analyst and contrarian — all roles of a successful leader. This panel will share key principles of how to establish a leadership position in your companies.

Organizations are oftentimes quick to designate a legal counsel as the conscience of the company. But are we? And should we be? Just how separate should legal and compliance be? This session will scrutinize the dynamic of the in-house lawyer who simultaneously serves as the company’s ethics officer. Are the roles of lawyer and ethics officer symbiotic — or potentially conflicting? Our panel will evaluate the pros and cons, the risks and the benefits, of wearing both hats along with such related practical issues as budgetary considerations, lines of report, and relations with HR and internal audit.

Feras Mousilli and Barry M. Benjamin

As hosting and participating in social media become the industry standard, companies must incorporate platforms and develop policies to safeguard rights and privacy. If this brave new world seems somewhat alien, implement these guidelines to navigate your company safely through the obstacles everyone’s worried about.

Alan K. Tse and Yuri Mikulka

This article focuses on the challenges involved in the discovery phase of litigation when dealing with foreign companies. Understand what obstacles can impede the discovery process and what legal measures, if any, may be taken to avoid these complications.

Resource Details
Source: ACC Docket
Region: China, North Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States
Evan Slavitt

Is unethical behavior a reflection of an organization or its employees? Can a corporation be considered ethical? How does corporate culture affect the question of ethics? Reflect on these questions and others when considering an ethics program.

Resource Details
Source: ACC Docket
Region: United States
Sabine Brumme
3 pages

This article explores some typical legal issues a supplier or service provider may encounter when doing business in Germany.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: Germany
Corpedia, Inc.

This InfoPAK is designed to provide corporate counsel with a general overview of compliance training and e-learning programs and to suggest useful practices for the handling of such training in the corporate setting.

Susan Bonfield and Michael J. Kline

Be an informed do-gooder. Before investing time and money in charities — either personally or on your company’s behalf — understand how the Madoff scandal has affected them. Learn to use the New Form 990 to analyze individual approaches to governance and managing finances.

Resource Details
Source: ACC Docket
Region: United States

This is a sample insider trading memo from the CEO to the employees to confirm and formalize the company’s policy and procedures regarding
trading by employees in company securities, including common stock.

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