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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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13 pages

This is a sample information technology data classification and handling policy.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
ACC Research
9 pages

Based on responses from 1,800 in-house counsel in 53 countries, the 2017 ACC In-house Trends Report covers trending topics such as the inside-outside counsel relationship, career mobility, professional development, department resource allocation, cybersecurity, professional privilege, and more.

This sample privacy impact assessment is a tool that can help businesses to identify the privacy (personal information) risks associated with a particular product, service, project, or other activity.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union

This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) is compiled from questions and responses posted by the IT, Privacy and eCommerce Network on their Forum. It addresses the use of indemnification provisions in Business Association Agreements (BAAs) in the United States.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Sarah Henchoz and Mark Mansell (Employment); Neil Bowden and Jane Higgins (Pensions)

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has issued formal notice of the UK intention to leave the European Union, triggering the start of a two-year negotiation process. This Quick Overview outlines what employers and pension schemes in the UK should focus on over the months ahead.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Employment and Labor
Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, United Kingdom

This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the IT, Privacy, and eCommerce Forum, addresses whether the transfer of business contact "personal" data is subject to data privacy protections under European Union (EU) Law.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: European Union, United States
5 pages

This white paper explores the reasons that defensible disposition programs stall out, and outlines several strategies to help organizations “push the delete button” with confidence.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
Contoural, Inc.

This article discusses how the Data Classification Standard (DCS) will specify security controls for identified activities that could potentially affect the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the documents or data.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample of information governance project plans.

This is a sample of data map use cases.

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