Bankruptcies – even when they’re not your own – can stretch you financially. Even though you don’t control the financial health of your business partners, you can control whether you’re prepared to maximize your recovery and minimize the financial harm to your business. This article outlines some tips to better position your business to do exactly that.
The coronavirus pandemic, the U.S.-China trade war, and the war in Ukraine have accelerated the transformation of the world's global supply chains. These developments have prompted organizations to search for a closer, more reliable supply chain that is less dependent on transoceanic transportation. This article discusses considerations for foreign companies choosing Mexico as a nearshoring option.
Once it is determined how liability needs to be limited in a contractual agreement, an attorney should take careful steps to ensure the limited liability provision is actually enforceable. This article discusses ten ways that your drafting of limitation of liability provisions may be ineffectual and unenforceable.
Learn about the how environmental, social, and governance considerations affect four stages of M&A transactions.
It seems to us that although the dizzying number of technology solutions entering the market daily (not to mention the avalanche of new AI possibilities that accompany them) are intended to make everyone’s life simpler, it’s more challenging than ever to cut through the noise and figure out how or where to start your journey to simplifying contracting for you and your organization. Read more.
This article with its sample delegation of authority (DOA) form will assist in-house counsel who are struggling with issues related to signing authority, staff approval limits, and information passing.
This policy outlines the guidelines for delegating authority within a business entity to ensure efficient operations while maintaining fiscal and policy integrity.
IP practitioners do not view themselves as typically in the crosshairs of political and national security issues. But the Russian invasion of Ukraine offers many lessons learned from the perspective of how to prepare for any future sanctions or political pressure, and what to do if such actions are taken.
This article outlines red flags that brand owners and licensees should look for, consider, and address if they find such flags in a brand license agreement.