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2 pages

This is a sample trademark registration and assignment agreement, between a company that manufactures a product and an exclusive distributor, and under which the distributor agrees to prosecute and serve as registrant of the trademarks for the product's brand names, and under which the distributor agrees to assign the trademarks to the producing company following termination of the distribution agreement. The sample includes a choice of New York law.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
2 pages

This is a sample trademark assignment agreement between two companies, for the assignment of all rights, title and interest in and to trademarks, including "pending applications and registrations, together with the good will of the business symbolized by the Marks, and all causes of action and claims based on past actions or infringement related to the Marks."

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample form of intellectual property security agreement.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
13 pages

This is a sample agreement for the purchase and assignment of US patents between a seller and a purchaser. This sample includes a choice of New York law.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
2 pages

This is a sample assignment agreement, for the assignment of rights, title and interest in and to patents, between an assignor and an assignee, in a context where the assignor no longer wants to maintain the validity and enforceability of the patents and the assignee wants to continue maintaining such validity and enforceability.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: China, France, Italy, United States
4 pages

This sample patent assignment between two companies concerns the assignment of patents, patent applications, and claims of infringement of the patents.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
2 pages

This is a sample lease assignment and assumption agreement, between a landlord as assignor, an assignee company, and a tenant. The sample relates to the assignment of the lease by the landlord to the assignee, in connection with the sale of the premises by the landlord to the assignee.

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Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
3 pages

This is a sample intellectual property assignment agreement, under which a company assigns the rights, title, and interest in and to trademarks, patents, domain names and intangible assets to another company, in connection with a corporate acquisition. This sample includes a choice of New York law.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
5 pages

This is a sample form of collateral assignment of acquisition documents by a company to a lender, in the context of secured financings used to fund the acquisition of assets or stock of a third party.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
11 pages

This is a sample employment, confidential information and invention assignment agreement, under which a new employee assigns the right, title, and interest in and to inventions and other intellectual property items that the employee may conceive, develop or reduce to practice during the employment period. 

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
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