The Cyber Threat Landscape - A View from an Ex-CIA Officer Turned Cybersecurity Lawyer
The convergence of cyberthreats from organized criminal groups and nation states, combined with the proliferation of more advance technical threats, is putting companies on the front lines of a digital war. Join Former CIA officer and K&L Gates partner Guillermo Christensen for a discussion that will lay out the nature of the threats facing companies to help corporate counsel be better positioned to assess their risks and discuss how to position their company. Tapping many decades of intelligence and cyber work, Guillermo will describe the inner workings of cybercriminal and nation state cyber attackers and then suggest that the path to being better prepared involves doing many of the same things that intelligence agencies and the military have been doing since World War II or even before.
The Hype is Over. AI is Here. What Now?
Generative AI has moved beyond the hype—it’s now an unavoidable part of the business landscape, and companies must confront the legal implications. In-house counsel will be instrumental in evaluating generative AI technologies and vendors, assessing the specific risks generative AI creates, and providing comprehensive guidance on employees’ training, adoption, and use of generative AI. Importantly, generative AI poses a truly cross-functional set of issues that requires input not only from legal but also from information technology and security, compliance, marketing, human resources, and managers. In this thirty-minute reprisal of last year’s discussion of generative AI, K&L Gates partners Chris Valente and Jake Bernstein will join remotely to provide practical insights on how in-house counsel can navigate the AI-powered future.
What Lurks in the Shadows: A Fresh Look at Insider Trading as it Relates to New SEC Rules and Recent SEC Cases
Over the years, what we traditionally consider to be insider trading has developed without a clear framework. Not surprisingly this has caused the boundaries of insider trading to be in a constant state of development and change, particularly as our society and technology evolves. This can create uncertainty for public companies when creating and implementing internal policies, but recent developments can provide valuable insight into the areas companies should focus on. K&L Gates partner Dave Bartz and associate Lauren Brown will provide an overview of the prohibitions against insider trading for employees, directors, and officers, including the current state of insider trading law and best company policies and practices.
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM: Check-In / Lunch
12:05 - 1:35 PM: The Cyber Threat Landscape - A View from an Ex-CIA Officer Turned Cybersecurity Lawyer
1:40 - 2:00 PM: Break
2:00 - 2:30 PM: The Hype is Over. AI is Here. What Now?
2:30 – 3:30 PM: What Lurks in the Shadows: A Fresh Look at Insider Trading as it Relates to New SEC Rules and Recent SEC Cases
3:30 - 5:00 PM: Social Reception
Social Reception
Immediately following the program, please join ACC-TN, your in-house colleagues, and program presenters for drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and relaxed conversations.
Additional Information
Parking will be provided free of charge in the parking garage adjoining K&L Gates' Office.
This program is expected to be approved for 3.0 hours of General CLE credit in Tennessee.