What 2020 has Wrought and why the “D” in DEIB is not Enough: “D”iversity is critical, but “E”quity, “I”nclusion” and “B”elonging are Paramount in Achieving and Sustaining Healthy Workplaces and Workforces.
Corporate representatives, business owners and employers motivated to create and maintain healthy spaces for employees and staff to thrive and succeed as their authentic, unadulterated selves by identifying and working to neutralize systemic, though often invisible, barriers to equity in opportunity and outcomes, meaningful inclusion at the heart decision-making, vision-setting and leadership, and belonging.
Description of Presentation
This interactive session will both challenge and inspire attendees to resist the urge to check off the DEIB box having only satisfied the “D” for diversity and instead roll up their sleeves and dig into the weightier matters of equity, inclusion and belonging – the ingredients for sustained, meaningful diversity. This session will examine the unprecedented and traumatic impact the year 2020 has had on employees and workforces around the country.
Against the backdrop of the pandemic, racial unrest and reckoning, the digital divide, divisive politics and the ever-more-stark disparities between majority and minority populations, business owners, corporate representatives and employers must strategically navigate the inevitable impact this trauma will introduce into their carefully-curated eco-systems.
The session will provide the tools necessary to create and preserve safe and healthy environments were all can contribute meaningfully, authentically and productively regardless of race, gender, religious or other affiliation.