The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.
A well thought-out green advertising campaign can be very successful, but green claims are under legal scrutiny. Competitors, non-governmental organizations, and regulators across the globe are regularly checking green, eco, carbon, and sustainability-related claims on the market. Explore how an international green advertising campaign can be successful and compliant across borders, discuss claims that should be avoided, and examine the upcoming Green Advertising Directives of the EU, which will completely change the landscape of sustainability advertising!
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social, governance (ESG) policies are no longer just a bullet point on a checklist. They are an imperative demanded by customers, employees, shareholders, unions, and legislators. This session will discuss options for responding to specific demands for DEI and ESG-related accountability. Walk away with best practices for targeted and enterprise-wide equity audits, climate assessments, ESG reporting, preservation of privilege, and communication with stakeholders about what your organization is doing.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social, governance (ESG) policies are no longer just a bullet point on a checklist. They are an imperative demanded by customers, employees, shareholders, unions, and legislators. This session will discuss options for responding to specific demands for DEI and ESG-related accountability. Walk away with best practices for targeted and enterprise-wide equity audits, climate assessments, ESG reporting, preservation of privilege, and communication with stakeholders about what your organization is doing.
Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) are business leaders responsible for doing well by the company. A core strategy for CLOs to lead while doing good is to foster the development of corporate pro bono programs. This panel of in-house legal leaders will discuss how law departments are engaging in meaningful pro bono work, impacting solutions to access-to-justice challenges, and aligning pro bono with corporate initiatives like social impact and DEI programs
Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) are business leaders responsible for doing well by the company. A core strategy for CLOs to lead while doing good is to foster the development of corporate pro bono programs. This panel of in-house legal leaders will discuss how law departments are engaging in meaningful pro bono work, impacting solutions to access-to-justice challenges, and aligning pro bono with corporate initiatives like social impact and DEI programs
In this interactive discussion, in-house and outside energy counsel will discuss project structure, key agreements, terms, and trends against the backdrop of a typical renewable energy project. This will provide a framework for in-house counsel whose organizations are looking to make the jump to renewable energy to advance their strategic objectives.
In this interactive discussion, in-house and outside energy counsel will discuss project structure, key agreements, terms, and trends against the backdrop of a typical renewable energy project. This will provide a framework for in-house counsel whose organizations are looking to make the jump to renewable energy to advance their strategic objectives.
As corporations strive to improve their Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) profile, anti-ESG proponents are striving to stop such companies from prioritizing ESG policies over the financial interests of their shareholders and employees. This session will immerse attendees in the debate as panelists portray this conflict from opening arguments, through examination and cross-examination of witnesses, to closing statements. They will submit the case to an audience of jury members, who will vote on the final decision.
As corporations strive to improve their Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) profile, anti-ESG proponents are striving to stop such companies from prioritizing ESG policies over the financial interests of their shareholders and employees. This session will immerse attendees in the debate as panelists portray this conflict from opening arguments, through examination and cross-examination of witnesses, to closing statements. They will submit the case to an audience of jury members, who will vote on the final decision.
Environmental, social, governance (ESG) reporting expectations are increasing from regulators, investors, lenders, and other stakeholders. This session will explore how you can ensure your company meets these expectations by using the tools and techniques of a corporate compliance program. A panel of experts from companies implementing such programs will share their experiences.