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Attorneys who provide EH&S compliance advice may be lucky enough to avoid serious enforcement and litigation. However, much of the practice is shaped by lawsuits and the advice of those who have had to face the judge or jury. We all want to avoid lawsuits, but we can sure learn from the preparation and outcome. EH&S litigators in key and risky regulatory areas will discuss and share their insight with those tasked with providing day-to-day EH&S advice. After attending this session, you will have the tools to better counsel on EH&S matters.

This webcast addresses the legal issues relating to wind farm development in Canada, including environmental, aboriginal and regulatory considerations, along with benefits and challenges of financing renewable energy projects in Canada.

Examines the history of FTC's guidance on green marketing claims, and potential changes as a result of the workshops that the FTC is conducting in 2008.

This webcast transcript addresses the impact of business "green" claims, greenwashing, the latest trends, and how companies can minimize risks related to greenwashing.

Addresses the theories supporting toxic tort lawsuits, potential defenses that can be raised including standards of proof causation under expert testimony text, and provides practical pointers for handling large caseloads in multiple jurisdictions with numerous plaintiffs.

Covers issues regarding new environmental disclosure obligations where the concerns about disclosure have been heightened in light of the Sarbanes-Oxley law, the FIN 47 guidance, as well as recent SEC enforcement action that was taken against Ashland. Discusses new environmental due diligence rules that are going into effect as a result of the Brownfields Amendments of 2002 and EPA's final all-appropriate inquiry rule.

The webcast provides an introduction to key aspects of the Chinese environmental regulatory system and clarify the more confusing aspects of this system.

Discusses strategies for new coal-fired plants, the need for these facilities and the distribution around the country of the issues involved.

A "Claims-Made and Reported" policy that requires a claim to be made upon the insured and reported to the company during the policy period and contains provisions which limit the amount of legal defense expense the company is responsible to pay in connection with claims.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

These rules of dispute resolution in toxic tort cases set guidelines that cover the initiation of procedure, settlement counsel, preliminary conference, science adviser, further conferences, mini-trial proceedings, confidentiality, costs, consent of parties, and conflicts of interest.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
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