A hazardous materials self-assessment worksheet. Includes hazardous materials, PCB's, hazardous materials transportation, MSDS database, and administration.
A sample letter regarding a proposal for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. Includes a request to provide a survey depicting the property boundaries prior to the site visit, any extended purchase and sale agreement that stipulates any specific requirements for environmental due diligence, and any conceptual plans for site development. Then provides the estimate for work to be performed at the above-referenced facility.
An environmental management self-assessment worksheet. Includes comments and requires the date and initials when the assessment is conducted and corrected.
A discussion on subjects such as emissions, general guidelines for voluntary greenhouse gas reporting, proposed rules, and more.
An overview of settling environmental cases.
After a decade of one ABA Section Committee that covered both Superfund and
Hazardous Waste, we decided to realign to better reflect the way practitioners have segmented
their practices. Thus, this is the maiden voyage of a new committee known as the Superfund and
Natural Resource Damages Litigation Committee. Note the emphasis on litigation. As we step
into the next phase of Superfund and NRD, we all expect the litigation to continue. This
committee is devoted to providing practical information, resources and tools to assist those
lawyers whose focus is in the Superfund and NRD areas.
Top 10 Things Employers Should Know to Survive Their Next OSHA Inspection.
A presentation on incorporating sound science in environmental policy and rulemaking.