The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.
The lawyers and accountants made a treaty in 1976 that forms the basis on which attorneys can respond to audit letters inquiring about loss contingencies (particularly pending or threatened litigation) in a way that provides the accountants information needed for financial statements while protecting the attorney-client privilege. Recent corporate disclosure scandals have resulted in increasing pressure for additional disclosures.
It's all a numbers game. The business people often complain that the lawyers do not understand the numbers, so come learn how to prove them wrong. Using real-world examples, this session will provide a review of legal accounting requirements, an overview of the basic financial principles of running a corporation and a checklist to become more proficient when dealing with financial matters.
Annual Meeting 2006: How can you establish credibility with your management when claiming that expenses are beyond your control? Learn how experienced practitioners have approached and conducted their internal negotiations for resources in the face of business and legal uncertainties. Topics will include making the case for bringing work inside, billing back for time, establishing metrics, using benchmarking effectively, increasing the number and/or experience levels of non-lawyer staff, and using contract or temporary lawyers for specific projects.
Annual Meeting 2006: A nonprofit organization engaging in activities that are substantial but unrelated to its mission increases its exposure to risk and elevates opportunities for reward. Our program is designed to familiarize participants with the legal implications of creating a for-profit subsidiary, and will review the potential risks and benefits and provide useful tools to avoid common pitfalls.
The law department must take a leadership position in preparing a corporate client for global business. Counsel should play a substantial role in the audit of the company for assets required to do business globally and should take the lead in acquiring the expertise and identifying resources for the information necessary to prepare the client. From this program, take home feature audit checklists and get examples of ways gaps can be filled in the client's resources in order to minimize the risk of operating outside of the US.
Prosecutors call it "three hots and a cot." Others call it "Club Fed." No matter what it’s called, today’s prosecutorial zeal often has one common goal: corporate officers leaving the executive suite for an eight by ten cell. The risks of running a business in today’s environment are far greater than the already formidable downside of potential business failure, and even unintentional missteps can result in a costly investigation, an enforcement proceeding, or a criminal indictment.
In recent years, record numbers of companies have faced the challenges of restating financials for past periods. Included among them is addressing the legal and accounting issues directly involved in restating the financials, while managing the involvement of regulators and enforcement officials, as well as the expectations of stakeholders such as shareholders and employees. Join our panel of in-house experts who have been through the process as they share their observations about how the process can be made more manageable.
You receive a high profile assignment to work closely with the CFO and other senior management to prepare your company for an IPO. If you don't know where to start or what's in store for you, this panel is for you! This program will cover the laws related to the Form S-1, working with underwriters, setting up your company for 34 Act, SOX and stock exchange compliance, pre-IPO publicity and road show mechanics.
Increasingly, companies move labor intensive activities to inexpensive countries or enter into franchise agreements or comparable arrangements, while keeping the ownership of rights, brands and other intellectual property. Apart from already existing brand piracy issues, these arrangements increasingly lead to suspicions and litigation that call for independent fact finding. In this session key aspects of utilizing outside investigative fraud and litigation expertise in brand protection situations were covered.
In this era of corporate scandal associated with financial mismanagement, the accuracy and appropriateness of any organization's financial documents, disclosures, and accounting practices, public company or non-profit, is of paramount importance. You can't learn it all, but there are some things you should know. This informative overview tells you what they are.