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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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In the current construction climate, there are few low-risk, low-cost ways to enhance financial performance. One proven method is to increase the rate of payment on projects; yet many otherwise successful construction industry players are achieving less than optimal recovery. Learn how businesses can adjust internal practices to increase, potentially dramatically, the real value of their lien and bond portfolios while reducing legal risk.

Due diligence is the cornerstone of M&A practice, but conducting efficient due diligence requires striking a balance between the near-term negotiation of the acquisition agreement and and the longer-term, post-closing integration of the companies. This program will provide you with the tips and practice pointers necessary to run an efficient due diligence process.

A presentation covering the finer points of the 'whistleblower' provision of Dodd-Frank.

Every company inevitably either knowingly or inadvertently will do business with an entity that is in financial distress. How do you plan to do business with a financially troubled company? What legal steps can be taken to ensure performance by such a company? What actions can be taken to ensure payment or performance under an agreement with a distressed company? Will your client be liable for a preference recovery upon payment by a company that ultimately files for bankruptcy? Or is your client interested in acquiring assets from a company in financial distress?

Is your company aware of all the different data-breach-notification laws in the US? This session will focus on what constitutes a security breach with electronic transfers, the steps to take following such breach, the obligation to the National Provider Identifier, how insurance coverage is considered, and the differences in the state laws.

Contract, document, matter management, electronic billing and electronic discovery: with all of the legal systems available, lawyers have never been so efficient...or so confused. Knowing where to store and find information, much less how to take action on the data, is becoming increasingly impossible and expensive. This session will illustrate a day in the life of an attorney attempting to find vital accountability metrics on a major case. Receive a checklist of advanced metrics and learn where to find the data needed to compile metrics in today’s technology landscape.

Companies are increasingly looking at joint ventures as a way to develop products, bring products to market, increase market share and, hopefully, increase revenue. This session will explore the pros and cons of various legal structures and arrangements commonly referred to as “joint ventures,” including securities laws, valuation and exit strategies, protection of intellectual property, anti-trust concerns, tax and financial statement impacts, and management of human and other resources.

Panelists will cover various strategies to help you manage all aspects of commercial loan restructuring including: loan modification and restructuring, commercial loan short sales, SBA loan settlement and restructuring, and lender strategies versus obligor’s strategies. They will also answer questions such as: What is the primary focus of an examiner's review of a commercial loan? What are the best methods for improving the collectability of a commercial loan? What is the role of the guarantors?

A key question in both the United States and Canada is whether infrastructure and other public projects should be structured as public-private partnerships (P3s). Explore the lessons learned from completed P3 projects, using examples from Canadian and US infrastructure projects and the approaches adopted by leading jurisdictions throughout the world. It will outline what private sector companies and their in-house counsel need to know to maximize their success.

The SEC, IRS and FDIC have recently issued regulations governing equity and phantom equity plans that may result in clawback, change in control, valuation, accounting issues and other illnesses that may affect your plans. This panel will provide a checklist of known ailments, a method to diagnose your plan and treatment options to bring your plan into good health. In a town hall setting, participants will be asked to share their own "home remedies" with the group.

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