As the peak national representative body for in-house lawyers, ACC Australia is comprised of a Board, a management team and lively Divisions across Australia. All of our representatives work tirelessly to provide our members with the very best representation, advice, education and resources to further the profession.
How does it work?
The Board of Directors, made up of 12 people, is a representative body with one appointment from each Division plus the National President and Vice President and up to three additional directors appointed by the Board.
ACC Australia has seven Divisions based in Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia (currently there is no Division in the Northern Territory). Each Division has an elected Executive Committee which manages the affairs of the Division. Full Members are encouraged to volunteer to join their respective Executive Committees and in this way contribute to the activities of their local Division.
Find out more about the ACC Australia management team here.
Our Board, Divisions, Committees are all comprised of in-house lawyers, so everything we do is done by people who understand the unique requirements of in-house lawyers.
Find out more about how you can become involved with the running of ACC Australia here.
ACC Australia Strategic Plan 2022-2024
Click here to download the ACC Australia strategic plan 2022-2024