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Resource Listings


Industrial Manslaughter in the Queensland Coal Industry

By Luci Mumme, Partner, and Louise Russell, Special Counsel, Johnson, Winter & Slattery

This article provides insight into amendments made to the Work Health & Safety Act 2011 (Qld), which was amended previously to provide for the offense of industrial manslaughter. It was later amended in 2020 to cover the resources sector including coal. The piece also provides analysis and key issues for the 2020 amendment of the law.


Foreign Investment and Australia’s Infrastructure Sector

By Simon Haddy, Partner, Johnson, Winter & Slattery

This May 2020 article describes changes that were made to Australia’s foreign investment laws. These alternations were necessary in light of the coronavirus pandemic, so they could better safeguard Australia’s national interests.


Tech finds its Voice on Regulation

By Sam Nickless, Partner & COO, and Peter Waters, Consultant, Gilbert + Tobin

This article looks at how Big Tech is taking the initiative to set out its own vision. With companies like Microsoft published their 10 fairness principles, Australia’s homegrown global tech player, Atlassian, has also published their ‘8 principles for sound tech policy’; the article examines and provides insight into the 8 principles.


Reform of Australia’s Critical Infrastructure Laws

By Lesley Sutton, Partner, Mark Ferguson, Lawyer, and Nikhil Shah, Consultant, Gilbert + Tobin

This article provides an overview of the Australian government’s ongoing reforms of laws aimed at protecting the country’s ‘critical infrastructure assets’ and ‘systems of national significance.’ The overview includes an outline of the three key provisions of the Exposure Draft of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020, released on 9 November 2020.


The Most Important Regulator You May Have Never Heard Of

By Andrew Hii, Partner, and Bryce Craig, Lawyer, Gilbert + Tobin

Because of the increased presence of the internet in everyone’s daily lives, a need has emerged for government authorities to respond to the unique challenges of a digital world. Accordingly, this article provides an overview of the Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, the world’s first regulator dedicated to online safety.


Guiding your Organisation in Supporting Social Justice Issues

By Lori Middlehurst, APAC Employment Law Lead, Salesforce, Nick Willets, Board Director (Volunteer), John Mac Foundation, and Vered Keisar, VP and GC, ResMed

In a time where social justice issues are attracting greater awareness, it is important to recognise how in-house counsel area uniquely positioned to guide their organisations in supporting these important issues.


Addressing Conflict Without Tanking your Diversity Program

By Lori Middlehurst, APAC Law Lead, Salesforce

Conflict, which is a positive by-product of diversity, must be expected and welcomed in today’s innovative, diverse workplace. Diversity of thought is increased in the more diverse workplace, and while most Australian companies look for ways to increase diversity, they may struggle if the inherent conflicts get out of hand.

This article appears in the Australian Corporate Lawyer, Volume 30, Issue 1 - Autumn 2020


Climate Change Litigation in Australia: Legislative and Legal Pressure Build

By Daisy Mallett, Partner, and Will Heath, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons

This piece highlights the increasing pressure within Australia on companies to address the issue of climate change. In particular, it highlighted the amount of landmark climate change cases that have been issued in recent months to compel the government or specific directors and officers to compel action on climate change. Indeed, Australia is the second most active jurisdiction for climate change litigation, with the United States being first.


Changes in the Probate and Administration System in the PRC – Introduction of Estate Administrators

By ONC Lawyers

New laws in the People’s Republic of China – which went into effect on 1 January 2021 – have completely revamped the rules pertaining to the succession of the deceased’s assets into a more organized system. The new policies, which have replaced laws in place since 1985, provide more guidelines and structure regarding appointing estate administrators and their scope of power.


IP after Brexit: Are my IP rights still protected?

By ONC Lawyers

This article explores the complex nature of the Brexit withdrawal process and the importance for all intellectual property (IP) owners to monitor any and all updates and to take immediate action to ensure the protection of their IP rights.