Legal Leadership
In this personal opinion article, a former senior executive speaks about his ideas regarding leadership and what a true leader needs to learn before taking up responsibilities.
In this personal opinion article, a former senior executive speaks about his ideas regarding leadership and what a true leader needs to learn before taking up responsibilities.
This article can guide you on how to build a powerful legal tech shopping list with functional and non-functional requirements.
The noticeable refocussing of attention by boards on the non-financial risks organisations take has created opportunities for in-house counsel to refresh our value proposition to employers. However, have we truly seized these opportunities for what they are, and, if we have, are we ready to take them on and deliver on expectations?
Do you want to be at the heart of decision-making in your business? Do you want to have greater autonomy over your own work and for your team? Do you want to be seen more positively within your organisation? Why increasing your influence isn't just beneficial, it's essential.
Bullying, discrimination, fraud and integrity breaches have no place in the modern Australian workplace. Minimising and addressing bad behaviour in the workplace can generate huge savings for employers, and there are clear actions that corporate counsel can take to support the company’s efforts.
This article outlines several essential skills that general counsel and other legal team leaders should possess in order to aid them in making difficult challenges that will help their company minimize risks and withstand other future challenges.
Of all the key areas in which law department leaders self-graded their overall maturity and development in the recent ACC Benchmarking report, Innovation Management ranked last. How can law departments create a culture of innovation and creativity, let it thrive, and keep that culture alive? Chief legal officers (“CLO”) set the tone for their teams through how leadership approaches, how they hire, retain and promote, and, finally, the behaviors they incentivize. Explore key takeaways below from ACC’s virtual CLO roundtable on 23 July 2020.
There are countless articles outlining the best ways to evaluate outside counsel. Many of them leave out an important factor: the personalities of the lawyers and companies they represent. This article addresses the role of personality in outside counsel selection.
As we all navigate the new ‘normal’ in the post-COVID-19 world, one major adjustment has been the ‘new’ workplace, aka our homes. This article profiles four in-house counsel and shares their experiences of working from home and their tips for getting through this challenging time.
Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting health, social, business and economic impacts have tested the metal of many organisations worldwide. This article explores the role of the General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer (GC/CLO) in guiding an organisation through times of crisis or turmoil.