AI poses uncharted problems in the areas of compliance, liability, intellectual property, product development, and antitrust. Increasingly General Counsel are called upon to guide boards, C-suites, co-workers, and the public through new ethical and legal complications about targeting customer sets, diligence on supply chain partners, personnel decisions, and risk. AI, and the politics around it, adds new layers of complexity to the very challenging role of the General Counsel.
Blockchain technology can be an innovative tool for processing personal data — as long as it’s being used in a manner compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
English law continues to be one of the most frequently adopted choices of law for international contracts across the world. Likewise, the court service in England, and in London in particular, maintains its reputation worldwide as a destination for international litigation. This article sets out ten key considerations for any person or business considering litigating commercial and corporate disputes in London.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of the lending mark, forms of security over assets, special purpose vehicles in secured lending, quasi-security, negative pledge, guarantees and loan agreements in Germany.
This course is intended to provide an overview of EU competition law and to help you recognize and deal with "red flags" — situations that present a risk of competition-law violations and legal liability.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investing in businesses based in Australia and developing commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in May 2019.
What is the small law department’s role when a natural or man-made disaster impacts your operations or those of a key business partner? What if the company doesn’t have a plan in place and you have to provide immediate advice? Emerge from this session better equipped to respond<br />when disaster strikes, with the rudiments of a plan in mind and with the desire to fully develop that plan while things are calm!
The paperless office is a mirage. We’ve had the technology to go mostly paperless since the early ‘90s. But our paper usage has grown right along with our data volumes, consuming 15 percent of our physical office space. For over a decade, the legal framework and our technological infrastructure have made digital signatures a far superior alternative to ink. This article advocates executing documents digitally.
Learn about several aspects of compliance with state laws and regulations, including labor and employment aspects to setting up operations in a state, including minimum wage issues, IC v employee and "founder's syndrome;" and regulatory aspects, including sales tax exemptions, lobbying and campaign finance regulations.
A 42-page guide by Dentons regarding the AI journey - opening eyes to opportunity and risk.
Social media often blurs the line between on-and off-duty. Use these best practices when considering responding to an employee’s social media use.
This Top Ten focuses on the important inquiries counsel should make when entertaining the idea of an automated management system for outside counsel work.
Learn about legal issues related to the metaverse, including intellectual property, Game Industry Promotion Act/Election Transaction Act, and privacy.
Focuses on the ACCA/NACD joint survey on governance issues and what it means to you in terms of corporate responsibility.
This top ten article contains tips on how to mitigate a crisis as quickly and efficiently as possible with the least amount of exposure to your company as possible.
This article focuses on the antitrust (competition) issues that can arise in US mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions, for which certain U.S. government agencies exercise oversight, what must be done to obtain their approval for those transactions to close, and the direction of government policy on antitrust M&A review, which has shifted under the Biden administration from a decades-long relatively “hands-off,” tolerant, laissez-faire policy to a markedly more interventionist, activist policy, which all dealmakers must be aware of and account for in planning and structuring their transactions. Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
Many companies are outsourcing such functions as information technology, accounting, customer service, and telecommunications. Additionally, many of them are contracting with foreign vendors to provide such services. This article explains the reasons for this phenomenon, examines the trends in global outsourcing, and sets forth factors that will help you to determine whether such outsourcing is right for your company. You will learn how to develop a strategy that will enable you to identify the vendor and outsourcing destination most appropriate for your needs and to sidestep the minefields involved in outsourcing globally.
Some companies like Wal-Mart have signed “A Call to Action” in order to achieve diversity and this article takes a look at what signing this document means, the current state of the legal profession in terms of diversity, and what you can be doing in your own department.
This briefing considers the potential impact of smart contracts upon various industry sectors, outlines the nature of smart contracts, their connection with blockchain technology, whether they are legally binding, and examines contractual issues and potential obstacles to their uptake.
Learn the benefits of a strategic HR approach that looks at talent management, how high lawyers can go and what skill sets you’ll need to climb the ladder. Participate in the discussion about a hypothetical Law Department and how to structure it so that both the company and the individual lawyers can benefit.
Sales are everything in growing IT companies. This realization, plus seven crucial tips, can help new in-house counsel at IT companies become productive, valuable contributors more quickly.
Janice More, vice president, European general counsel, company secretary at HJ Heinz, and winner of the ILO and ACC Europe’s European General Counsel of the Year award, shares insight on legal department leadership in this article. More’s collaborative approach has created streamlined, strategic engagement between her in-house team members and their business and legal partners. More leverages partnerships to add value to the Heinz business.
Electronic execution and management of signatures, contracts and records is at the cutting edge of modern business practices. In-house counsel who implement this technology are helping to generate sales, reduce costs and improve internal governance practices. This article takes an in-depth look at electric contracting, including its evolution, legal enforceability and reputable transaction tools.
This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in the United Arab Emirates.
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