Climate change is upon us, and in-house counsel are struggling to mitigate risk in a warmer world. As the society-at-large moves toward a low carbon economy, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to assess and disclose its environmental impact. The future of sustainability is here, are you ready for what’s next?
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in the European Union.
In preparation for future innovation, in-house counsel should consider both the risks and the rewards of advancement to keep the company up to speed with the of the Internet of Things (IoT).
In this multi-country guide, learn about the transfer of IP rights in a wide range of jurisdictions.
This is a list of resources related to the session.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to a Q&A that gives an overview of the legal system; foreign investment, including restrictions, currency regulations and incentives; and business vehicles and their relevant restrictions and liabilities in Hong Kong.
This Opinion analyses the criteria set down in Article 7 of Directive 95/46/EC for making data processing legitimate. Focusing on the legitimate interests of the controller, it provides guidance on how to apply Article 7(f) under the current legal framework and makes recommendations for future improvements.
Starting a law department for an established company can seem like a daunting task. In this article, find out ways to make building and leading this endeavor easier and rewarding.
Identify requirements for managing and maintaining subsidiaries (including international subsidiaries). Receive practical guidance on managing costs and risks. Share tools used to manage subsidiaries and keep the board abreast of governance issues. Discuss the recommended frequency of board educational sessions on corporate governance (including whether these are typically provided in-house or by external parties). Examine the appropriate type of information reported at each level of the board (including committees and sub-committees). Learn best practices for serving as corporate secretary.
A selection of informative resources on lobbying activities at the US federal and state levels.
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is becoming increasingly assertive and expansive in conducting reviews of foreign transactions in and involving the United States. Discover if your company will be affected and how you can prepare.
Looking to achieve growth capital? Consider private equity investments. Whether you’re a new or experienced investor, these tips will help you prepare for and manage these transactions and relationships.
A look at the unintended consequences of a contractual agreement between Chase Bank and Unifund.
When there's a new in-house counsel added to your team, or you might be the new one, you can follow these top ten suggestions to increase the probability of success in such a transition.
Employees are the front line of your information security defense. While technological protections are essential (for example, antivirus software, firewalls, spam filters, etc.), none are as effective as a vigilant end user. These are checklists of measures of which every user should be aware.
For items containing electronic parts there has been a rise in counterfeits. Recent regulations promulgated by the Department of Defense (DOD) address how to avoid procurement of counterfeits. Read this article if your company is a manufacturer or distributor of electronic parts.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on marketing undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities in Europe.
Once you understand the principles, you will nd these a lot easier and more fun to build than you might think, and they can be really valuable — to your company and to your own reputation within it.
Following the United States Supreme Court's recent opinion in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., recognize that certain closely-held, for-profit stock corporations can hold religious beliefs.
Public reporting company status is traditionally prestigious, increases access to capital, improves liquidity and enables more favorable financing terms and opportunities. Yet public reporting company status exposes companies to the glare of public scrutiny and burdensome compliance obligations, often before they are ready to shoulder those responsibilities and sometimes without raising much capital or increasing liquidity and financing opportunities appreciably. In the meantime, the private equity markets increasingly dwarf the public markets and provide the overwhelming amount of capital markets investment. This article addresses the question of when should companies go public, and when should they stay private.
These are top ten recommendations for universities when engaging a search firm to recruit athletic directors and high level coaches in the United States.
This Top Ten addresses aspects of Colombian data protection law that your company should take into account when establishing a business in Colombia, since most of the companies will handle Personal Data (at least employees data) and therefore will have to comply with the Data Protection Law and its regulations.
Many universities and research institutions are burdened with outdated, flawed intellectual property policies. This article identifies many of the obstacles facing faculty, technology transfer professionals and legal department staff members as they revamp old policies.
Like it or not, different territories have different laws. There are 28 states in the European Union and across these states there are tranches of relatively harmonised laws in certain areas. The basic underlying laws of contract and case law or codes which aid their interpretation are, however, all different. Nearly every in-house counsel has faced the task of tackling an impending overseas deal when only local state law governed terms are at hand. Staring down the barrel at an unknown legal system, a familiar scene plays out: localise or push ahead with what we've got?
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