Type any store name into Google and a list of similar stores shows up in the results - with the search term sometimes not even listed at the top. If a competitor purchases your company's trademark through keyword bidding and uses it as a metatag, potential infringement issues emerge. This article explores the legal issues of such use, and offers suggestions as to how you can best protect your company.
This course explains how to determine whether the Conflict Minerals Rule applies to a company's products and outlines the steps that the company must take to comply if the Rule applies. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
This is a sample employee handbook for an LLC company.
This article discusses California's new compliance regime for entities that qualify as "charitable fundraising platforms."
It offers a high-level overview of who qualifies as a charitable fundraising platform, what obligations platforms must meet, and when various compliance obligations take effect.
Climate change is upon us, and in-house counsel are struggling to mitigate risk in a warmer world. As the society-at-large moves toward a low carbon economy, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to assess and disclose its environmental impact. The future of sustainability is here, are you ready for what’s next?
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers issues related to criminal enforcement, regulatory and administrative enforcement, and requirements for financial institutions and other designated businesses.
Discuses several measure that you can take to protect your company and minimize the risk when a customer's or supplier's financial situation worsens and includes sample forms.
In this issue: Implications of the Impending Elimination of Canadian Withholding Tax on Interest Payments by Brian E. Bomstein and Martin Fingerhut; The Socioeconomic and Safety Impact of Counterfeits in Canada by Robert J. ("RJ") Falconi; Cartels in Canada: Practical Approaches to Manage Risk by Patti Phelan and James Musgrove
By learning how to properly utilize jury consultants, in-house counsel can build upon their litigation expertise and highlight areas of the process that may be misunderstood.
Learn about developments from 2021 in the Technology, Media and Telecom sector in the Asia and Asia-Pacific region (focus on Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam).
This guide presents a general overview of health law in jurisdictions throughout the world.
This article shows the differentiation and disproportionality of profit sharing in Brazil.
In this article, in-house counsel can learn more about investing in businesses based in Australia and developing commercial relationships. This resource was published by Meritas in May 2019.
This is a sample information technology policy.
These are the top ten "new frontier" questions and misconceptions about Title III of the US American with Disabilities Act.
This InfoPAK (now known as an ACC Guide) provides a "question & answer" guide to corporate crime, fraud and investigations in Brazil. This guide gives a high level overview of matters relating to corporate fraud, bribery and corruption, insider dealing and market abuse. In addition, it summarizes money laundering and terrorist financing, financial record keeping, due diligence, corporate liability, immunity and leniency, and whistleblowing.
This article deals with the case Republic of Argentina v. NML Capital: Discovery and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.
It is an exciting and challenging time for in-house counsel. These days, the pipeline to general counsel is full of high-potential women and minorities. Read this article for insights and tips on how to achieve your fullest potential by shedding light on what it takes to advance in today's competitive corporate law department and how to use this knowledge to define your unique career path.
In this article, in-house counsel speak about their experiences during the current crisis, and many lay out a range of useful steps they can take if they are currently looking for work or anticipating that they may soon need to be looking for new opportunities.
A comprehensive employment survey discussing the job market in the UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, the Middle East, Australia, Asia, and North and Latin America.
This Quick Counsel describes the Brazilian Consumer Protection Code which was created with the objective of balancing consumers relationships and to offer protection for those who consume. The Code aims to provide complete protection for the consumers, regulating behavioral and procedural aspects and stipulating rules for the market operation.
Janice More, vice president, European general counsel, company secretary at HJ Heinz, and winner of the ILO and ACC Europe’s European General Counsel of the Year award, shares insight on legal department leadership in this article. More’s collaborative approach has created streamlined, strategic engagement between her in-house team members and their business and legal partners. More leverages partnerships to add value to the Heinz business.
This multi-jurisdictional guide is designed to provide insight into the practicalities of M&A, highlighting market trends and legal developments as well as practical and strategic considerations.
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