This guide provides in-house counsel, government agencies and private practice lawyers with a practical insight into cartel enforcement policy and procedure, including leniency/amnesty regimes, administrative settlement, sanctions and appeals.
It’s not how you negotiate, but how you reduce negotiations. This program will cover the major issues in technology contracts and practical advice on what you can negotiate with the giants of the IT world. Learn how to work with large and small vendors in collaborating and negotiating common terms that are applicable throughout the industry.
This panel will focus on the first ninety days in-house as a model for
setting and achieving goals and measuring success that is applicable to
in-house counsel at any stage. Experts will address increasing
production in the counsel's office, managing outside projects, improving
value and reducing costs, engaging with client business groups to
identify important issues and benchmarking successes for those outside
the counsel's office.
In this article, learn more about the state of the legal profession in the Asia-Pacific region during 2016.
You may be an accomplished orator, litigator or debater. In front of a captive audience of children, however, even the savviest speaker can feel pressure. This "Take Our Sons / Daughters to Work Day" veteran has outlined a tested - and - true formula for sure success.
How does your contract governance protect human rights in your international supply chain? Consider the Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, Version 2.0, developed by the Working Group to Draft Model Contract Clauses to Protect Human Rights in International Supply Chains American Bar Association Section of Business Law.
Ready to move from the billable hour to value-based fee structures for at least some of your outside counsel spend? Not sure how to decide which fee structures are most appropriate for which matter types or stages of matters? Come to this session to learn how to put together your own decision tree. We’ll walk through the considerations you need to weigh when deciding fee structures – with a focus on two increasingly popular approaches: risk collars and fixed fees. We recommend that you combine this with session 401, to expand your toolkit of options.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses battle of the form situations between a seller's standard terms and conditions, and terms mentioned on the buyer's purchase order. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the IT, Privacy & eCommerce ACC Network.
Guidance on transferring management/ownership of a company in Canada. Includes guidance on keeping business in the family or selling to an outsider.
If you had only known you can learn everything you need to know about surviving the transition to in-house law practice from Duran Duran, The Breakfast Club, and Prince, you might have spent a lot more time at concerts than in the library during the 1980s, right? Phil Strauss translates the lessons in his guide to the facts of in-house life.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines a list of ten practical suggestions for truly effective management of outside counsel spend.
This is a chart depicting 2015 Supreme Court opinions impacting the healthcare industry.
This article discusses different aspects of Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) provider selection, including location, casting your net broadly enough, making your selection based on robust criteria, and taking into account possible obstacles to success that have more to do with your own organization than the potential provider.
Learn about developments from 2021 in the Technology, Media and Telecom sector in the Asia and Asia-Pacific region (focus on Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam).
In this ACC guide, explore key aspects of managing employees' use of social media, in light of guidance from the US National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB").
ACC's Jan/Feb 2017 cover story delves into antitrust sanctions, and how integrating antitrust protocols into company culture can help the business appear trustworthy in the global marketplace.
In the big picture world of project management, ensuring the overall success of a project is a project manager''s top priority. If a project goes wildly over-budget (as they often do), it will not be considered a success, even if it''s delivered on time and meets the customer or client needs. That''s why project managers need to better manage their project plans and budgets. Learn the strategies and techniques for maintaining control of your internal and external projects and budgets and preventing massive cost overruns. This session will help you identify and develop the building blocks and steps that, if followed as a single unit and truly embraced by the entire team, will provide the roadmap to project management perfection.
Smart companies plan, measure results and demonstrate success. The legal department within those companies need to follow suit. Demonstrating to your client that you add value is critical. This program will teach the in's and out's of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department's successes and show your boss how you add value to the company's bottom line.
This article addresses knowing who is authorised to represent a legal entity and what can you do if directors representing a legal entity are not authorised to do so.
Social media and privacy are the two hot button issues that in-house counsel are still grappling with. This session will address how to identify the legal risks and potential rewards of social media and privacy presented by company, employee, and third parties, as well as the law department’s role in helping the company craft effective social networking and privacy policies.
Investors planning to perform construction activities on the territory of Belarus have to take into account new conditions for carrying-out these activities in Belarus. This article will discuss the new requirements.
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