Shepherding a smooth transition during a merger isn’t easy, but it is possible. Find out how in this insightful article.
This CMS e-Guide contains an overview of international arbitration practice and chapters on the law and practice of arbitration in the jurisdictions covered. It is equivalent to Volume I of the printed version of the CMS Guide to Arbitration.
Hear from founders and current leaders on why ACCA was founded, what we've accomplished, and the new challenges yet to tackle.
In this publication, the details and secrets of excellent record retention programs are unlocked. Learn how to update traditional methods to better fit your modern workplace. Find a starting point, execute an effective and compliant schedule and evolve with new regulations.
The regulatory regime surrounding cryptocurrencies is fragmented and stretches to the extremes in some jurisdictions. Learn more about how different countries deal with cryptocurrencies.
International real estate procurement can often require the use of local counsel. There is no standardized process for conducting title searches and, therefore, investors should consider multiple legal opinions as to the status of a title. Learn more about overseas real-estate deals, and how to eliminate risks during the acquisition process.
This toolkit provides a guide to some of the basics of financial accounting terms and concepts that are key to in-house lawyers for understanding the company's financial statements as well as a guide to establishing a law department from scratch.
Learn about January 2022 developments relating to the marketing of cryptocurrencies in the United Kingdom.
This handbook provides for an overview of the applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations across 63 different jurisdictions and guides you through this complex area of compliance. It is an important source for information for legal departments of corporations, irrespective of the location of their headquarters.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
Building on the skills you learned in Financial Decision Making for Lawyers – Part I, this session will further advance your ability to practically apply financial decision making practices to your everyday work. Participants will utilize the analytical tools that indicate whether a new project will create value, such as: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period, and Economic Value Added (EVA).
Explores how a legal department achieved many of the benefits of a matter management system simply by making more effective use of the technological tools already available.
This article offers practical tips on how to "flip the coin," suggesting that in-house counsel help outside counsel become genuinely more client-focused and thus better able to deliver value, not just time and effort.
The threat of antitrust litigation, both through government action and civil suits, is very real. Can your employees recognize an antitrust red flag when they see one? How do you train an employee about a complex legal topic that has real-world implications to the company as well as him or her personally? This session will review the increasing enforcement trends regarding antitrust compliance both in the United States and abroad, provide real tools for you to incorporate into an antitrust compliance program in your company, and touch on international antitrust developments. This program will emphasize what employees need to know (certainly not statutory code numbers!) and how to communicate antitrust principles to your employees in a meaningful manner. The session will include an abbreviated real employee training: Can you answer the antitrust scenarios put to your employees?
Managing outsourcing relationships and negotiating technology solutions can prove to be difficult for in-house counsel, especially if they are brought into the process too late to be effective. This article discusses the benefits of adding counsel to the acquisition team early on in order to immediately influence the direction of the negotiations and ensure a more effective outcome for the client.
This is a list of documents to support third-party litigation financing.
At this point, it’s hard to say whether privacy should be placed on the endangered or the extinct species list. Here’s how to ensure your company’s privacy policies help customers and other stakeholders really understand what they’re agreeing to give up.
For companies with a substantial dependence on new technology, the prospect of patent infringement litigation poses a significant threat to corporate success and even company viability. Use these suggestions to help identify and minimize your risks.
A sample contract drafting and review checklist for a company's Procurement Services to use as a review tool / contract playbook, to aid in protecting the company's interests in contractual matters.
In-house counsel should be prepared to address each patent licensing and indemnification case with their best legal foot forward. But is there a way to get an early heads-up to better assess the scope of possible infringement threats?
It was the talk of the legal world: Siemens' agreement to a $1.6 billion settlement with the US and German authorities. Investigate what went wrong and what lessons can be gleaned.
Check out this 2014 Apex, Excel and Communicator Award-winning article! The standard “no comment” response to a media frenzy surrounding pending litigation is an approach that some legal counsel have opted out of in favor of more detailed disclosure. Such an approach addresses not
only the media, but also other company constituencies who are impacted by the negative attention. This article details how to create a platform for proactive responses.
This Top Ten explores Anti-Trust Concerns in M&A Transactions in Colombia
Learn about effects of a new procurement model for water and sewage contracts in the United Kingdom.
This Top Ten presents practical tips for preparing and managing a software audit in the United States.
Many businesses and organizations use public cloud services. In-house counsel can play a key role with the business through the selection, negotiation, and implementation of such solutions. This Top Ten includes key practical tips drawn from experience as in-house counsel.
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