Proposal for the reform of the data protection regime in the European Union
You're prepared. You've updated your code of conduct, conducted anti-bribery training in multiple languages, and sent messages from your CEO encouraging a culture of integrity and transparency. But the enforcement authorities call anyway. How you handle a bribery investigation can be critical not only to the outcome of the matter, but also to your company's long-term financial health and reputation. This panel will provide guidance for conducting the internal investigation in a multinational setting, working with government agencies around the world, assisting senior staff and board members, and handling public messaging and disclosures. The view is one from the trenches, conducted by in-house attorneys who have managed such matters (and lived to tell about it), and government counsel who have led the charge.
Is Microsoft SharePoint for you? In this article, Nanci Tucker evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the software, applying her firsthand experience as a means of providing valuable advice for in-house counsel.
In October's Careerparth, Bill Mordan reminds us of the shortcomings of the data that today's executives possess.
If your company decides to establish a business presence in another<br />country by partnering with a local firm, what considerations come into play in structuring and implementing a joint venture with the local partner? This program will examine the practical considerations relating to structuring the joint venture and negotiating its key terms,<br />including management control provisions and mechanisms to exit the joint<br />venture, seconding or transferring employees to the joint venture and cultural considerations in dealing with your local partner.
This program will explain the most common pitfalls that manufacturers and service providers face with uniform “global” warranty terms and conditions. The program will address aspects relating to public policy rules, choice of law issues and logistic problems of global warranties, as well as provide recommendations on how to draft global warranty terms and conditions.
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