AI poses uncharted problems in the areas of compliance, liability, intellectual property, product development, and antitrust. Increasingly General Counsel are called upon to guide boards, C-suites, co-workers, and the public through new ethical and legal complications about targeting customer sets, diligence on supply chain partners, personnel decisions, and risk. AI, and the politics around it, adds new layers of complexity to the very challenging role of the General Counsel.
In this article, learn about insolvency questions regarding crypto assets.
Janice More, vice president, European general counsel, company secretary at HJ Heinz, and winner of the ILO and ACC Europe’s European General Counsel of the Year award, shares insight on legal department leadership in this article. More’s collaborative approach has created streamlined, strategic engagement between her in-house team members and their business and legal partners. More leverages partnerships to add value to the Heinz business.
This article on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) focuses on the preliminary documentation used to frame an M&A transaction, usually Memorandums of Understanding (“MOUs”), Letters of Intent (“LOIs”) and Term Sheets (each or collectively, a “Preliminary Document”). Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
This guide for Massachusetts, USA is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series which provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in jurisdictions around the world.
Every year natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and tornadoes, impose significant environmental harms, and many of these impacts are projected to increase as climate change accelerates. The emerging field of “disaster law” has a significant overlap with environmental law, both in responding to and managing the environmental impacts of natural disasters, and in the role of insurance and compensation in managing risks. This panel will review the legal components of disaster planning and disaster response, focusing on legal challenges that companies face in planning for disasters, ensuring continuation of operations in the face of disasters, and securing government assistance, regulatory relief, and insurance recovery in the wake of such disasters.
This article considers how the duty of good faith impacts on the on-going relationship between franchisor and franchisee in the civil and common law traditions.
Approach your internet enforcement program as a war: it should be directed toward a defined and attainable objective. This article provides a brass-tacks approach to setting up an effective program for trademark protection on the web.
Learn about key climate change challenges, strategies, and regulatory developments in the media sector in the United Kingdom and the European Union.
The article provides a brief overview of open finance, a practice that allows third party service providers access to consumers’ financial data from banks and financial institutions using secure application programming interfaces (APIs).
Read this 2009 Communicator Award-winning column!<br/>The Streisand Effect encapsulates a phenomenon that derives from a case that involved Barbra herself; by attempting to squelch information you can inadvertently make it wildly popular. In-house attorneys have been dealing with the Streisand Effect for years, and the introduction of the internet changed the venue.
Looking to bring a business-focused approach to your in-house practice? Take some tips from Siemens Canada’s experience running the legal department like a business.
As valuable assets, trade secrets are often targets of theft. This article provides a brief summary of recent legislative developments and discusses best practices to help protect trade secrets.
Learn how the European Union Intellectual Property Office study on AI and IP laws, published March 2, 2022, illustrates through hypothetical cases the "double-edged sword" of AI in IP protection and infringement.
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding outsourcing across a range of jurisdictions.
Don’t let a demand letter drag you out of the dark: In-house counsel may not know about their clients’ international commissioned agents until trouble presents itself. Learn how to establish a method that vets agents carefully, assesses risks and establishes an informed sales agency agreement.
Renegotiating existing sourcing contracts is an excellent way to bring new value and innovation to your company and its suppliers. Maximizing leverage is often said to be the most important part of this process, but there are many other factors that must be considered. Learn how to get the most out of your renegotiation, while strengthening the relationships with your suppliers.
The proverbial gauntlet has been thrown down — law departments are increasingly challenged to be more service-oriented and less costly. It may sound like an impossible task and for some, it may well be. But there’s another possible solution: off shoring.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on approaching investors in different jurisdictions, in relation to an offer or issue of shares.
This guide provides an introduction to blockchain technologies and sectors that may be affected.
A discussion of how law department leaders are changing their contract processes in light of economic downturn-related budget cuts.
This is a speech given by F. William McNabb III at a Lazard Asset Management’s 2015 Director Event “Shareholder Expectations: The New Paradigm for Directors.”
Our commitment to conducting business in<br />a lawful and ethical manner is not tested when doing so is easy, but rather when it is hard.
This is a supplemental presentation for this session.
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