This article details how to deal with the "free-rider" problem in which discounters take advantage of the capital investments of other dealers. Through those investments, they've helped establish brand recognition and a reputation for quality products. The discounters are unfairly trading on the brand without having made any investment in it. The sales department doesn't care what it's called. They just want to know one thing: "How can we stop it?"
PowerPoint presentation related to process and project management.
Presentations delivered by law departments do not always evoke the most welcoming of reactions. However, with such low expectations, giving a memorable performance should not be too difficult, if you follow the advice offered in this feature article.
As the world prepares to enter a period of increasing isolationism, one effect is indisputable: It will slow down global commerce. From conducting a large-scale international acquisition to simply sending an email, in-house counsel can expect to encounter a wide array of new legal considerations that will directly impact cross-border business operations.
This is a sample company social media policy.
This is a sample social media usage policy.
This resource covers important information to consider before investing in Indonesia.
This toolkit provides a guide to some of the basics of financial accounting terms and concepts that are key to in-house lawyers for understanding the company's financial statements as well as a guide to establishing a law department from scratch.
Let’s face it, “running your department like a business” is no longer a goal but an expectation of the C-suite. Whether you are fully on board or still struggling to catch up, there are a few basic principles that will help you think and manage like a business owner. This intermediate-level program will give participants proven strategies to enhance the bottom line of the legal departments they manage. Your budget conversations with the CFO will never be the same!
This is a sample two-party escrow service agreement where the company provides flexible, comprehensive escrow services that generate the type of agreement that gives customers the right level of protection in each unique situation.
This survey explores the areas of personal career history, personal demographics, profile of the corporate legal department and the use of legal research and other products and services.
This ACC Guide (InfoPAK) is a primer for in-house counsel starting, building, executing, and refining an Information Governance program.
Notice of the Texas Attorney General's intent to file administrative expense claim for post-petition civil fines and penalties
These are sample rules and guidelines for communicating company-related information via social networking forums whether used in or outside the workplace.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide of data protection rules and principles, right to access personal data or object to its collection in Brazil.
This is a two-party master escrow service agreement where the company provides flexible, comprehensive escrow services that generate the type of agreement that gives our customers the right level of protection in each unique situation.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Melbourne 22 February 2017.
The good, the bad and the strategy - IP in changing times - presentation held in Adelaide 28 February 2017.
The Good, the Bad and the Strategy - IP in Changing Times - presentation held in Brisbane 23 March 2017.
Drone Laws - presentation held in Sydney 30 March 2017.
This is an employee policy for appropriate use of social media and related rules and prohibitions.
This article talks about giving substance to implementing change and seeing that each process that a department takes on is an opportunity for improvement.
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