The potential impact on commercial property post-pandemic is sizable. In this article, in-house counsel can learn practical tips about commercial leases and how to renegotiate one.
Addresses the dangerous power that Kasky threatens to unleash on the business community and suggests how you, as in-house counsel, can stem the tide of this unwarranted expansion and help protect your company from having to defend against a meritless but costly lawsuit.
Learn about the French employment law issues regarding the employment status of workers who perform services using digital platforms.
In this insight report Allen & Overy legal experts comment on global M&A activity and trends across different sectors and regions.
This global initial public offering guide will help you navigate the US portion of a global IPO – in other words, an IPO in which you sell locally listed ordinary shares to investors outside the United States.
This brief overview (QuickCounsel) shows the potential impact of bockchain on the mechanics of information exchange in bio/pharma Research and Development, and how this will change how we approach legal issues of intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer.
ACC homepage poll results for the week of 10/17/2011 - 10/23/2011.
This survey report provides key insights on the use of legal technology and its perceived effectiveness and limitations based on responses from 252 in-house counsel and legal operations professionals.
This is a legal and regulatory playbook of some of the most important themes that will play out in 2023 in India.
Providing law-related training for non-legal clients (i.e., for managers and, to a lesser degree, non-managerial personnel) is an important function of every in-house legal department.
ACC Amicus Brief Schoenefeld v. Schneiderman
Tablets and smartphones are enabling us to leave our laptops – increasingly our primary PC – in the office. The large number of apps available and the similarities between iOS and Android devices mean that you can really choose the device and individual apps that best suit how you practice. As corporate counsel, you may need to thread a needle more carefully using personal technology on the corporate network or making corporate technology truly functional. Once you have fortified your device with encryption and secured it, you can become truly productive.
The 2012 amendments to the American Bar Association Rules amended the comments to Rule 1.1 to say: "A lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology." What does the change mean for attorneys in general and specifically in-house counsel? What technology is out there that in-house counsel can use to more efficiently run their departments? This interactive roundtable session will focus not only on the potential ethical implications of technology but on how the legal department can work with the IT manager or chief information officer to cooperatively achieve results in the areas of litigation holds, data security, review of IT-related contracts, document retention, and internal investigations. Faculty will provide guidance on explaining the contract terms and legal risks to your IT department and answer important questions like: What questions do I need to ask my IT department to properly evaluate the risks and contract terms? What happens if the product or service does not perform as expected? The panel will also examine everything from apps that improve efficiency to document management system tools that help with litigation.
The article covers familiar territory such as the enforcement benefits of arbitration, the neutrality it offers, the fact that it is more confidential than litigation and the finality of arbitration. It should be of particular interest to anyone new to arbitration and dispute resolution in general.
This article discusses the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's draft guidance regarding the implementation of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs) for drugs, biological products, and devices.
The close connections between a corporation and its foundation can put both organizations at risk for inadvertent self-dealing. Take these necessary precautions when making transactions between the related business and the foundation.
As much as we need to impart the value of hard work and lead by example, that example should also include the importance of prioritizing what and who we value. We must show, not just tell, those who matter to us that they do matter to us.
This article explores the takeaways from a UK case, which highlights the risks of bidding on a competitor’s trade name(s) (and/or variants thereof) that is/are confusingly similar to the bidder’s own trade name(s) as Internet search keywords.
This is a list of materials with links regarding in-house pro bono and the role of the chief legal officer.
This is a sample social media policy.
This is a sample general guarantee agreement between three corporations specific to the states of Delaware, New York and Utah.
This article gives you an overview of EU data protection law, explains why U.S. in-house counsel should be concerned about EU data protection laws, shows you a roadmap to compliance, and gives you a workplan template for achieving and maintaining compliance.
Good contract management starts with an effective process, and the best process includes having a solid contract management system in place. This session will cover the common challenges encountered in developing a contract management process, contract management techniques that will enable your organization to maintain the desired outcomes from their contracts and foster good relationships with all the parties involved, both internal and external. The panelists will also discuss best practices for both competitive selection and non-competitive (single or sole source) proposals, and negotiation and management of contracts through their expiration or termination.
Recent developments from CFIUS signal a renewed vigor to protect US national security. In this Client Alert, Latham attorneys highlight the recent developments related to national security investment reviews and outline its implications.
The deadline for EU Member States to amend their local laws in order to comply with EU Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions was August 1, 2022. Here’s what employers with workers in Europe need to know. Check out this Seyfarth article to learn what the directive states.
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