This resource presents ten key tips on educating and training employees about legal holds.
Check out this 2014 Communicator Award-winning article! Litametrics is the application of analytics in a range of areas. The use of analytics is not new territory for most law departments that dabble in ediscovery, applying analytics to perform searches for documents. Litametrics can also empower counsel to make better and more informed decisions on building a legal team, budgeting and predicting outcomes of cases so the best strategy can be developed. Learn what Litametrics can do for you.
Who knows better than we in the trenches the many tools and tips out there to manage a small department for maximum efficiency on a modest budget. This Town Hall meeting will share best practices and practical tips on the following subjects: the practical aspects of staffing (range of positions, non-legal positions, outsourcing); budgeting (templates, budgeting for litigation, cost allocation, common budget busters); research options (Westlaw, Practical Law, ACC, other knowledge management systems, good blogs and listservs) and technology tools (systems for small departments, cloud services, video conferencing, e-signature systems, systems that allow you to work from anywhere (phone tethering, Adobe, MiFis, FedEx Kinkos, Regus, etc.).
This policy establishes a set of rules and guidelines for any activity and participation in “social media” by all company “users.”
Everyone should have a plan for when they pass away and that includes your digital assets. Read through this guide to gain tips and know-how for your next steps.
This check card is a printable resource with practical advice for the dos and don'ts of The Canadian Competition Act.
This issue discusses class actions in Belgium and Europe, private enforcement of competition law in the EU, and more.
Privacy on the Go recommends a “surprise minimization” approach. This approach means supplementing the general privacy policy with enhanced measures to alert users and give them control over data practices that are not related to an app’s basic functionality or that involve sensitive information.
Planning the integration of an acquired company’s legal department into an acquiring company’s legal department can be a grueling process. Based on past M&A experiences, here are 200 practical issues that ensure a smooth transition when considered and addressed prior to the closing of the acquisition.
This Global Data Breach Notification Guide is a resource for companies to benchmark the ever expanding range of global breach notification requirements.
The scope of information to be held confidential is remarkably similar for all lawyers, no matter the country you practice in. The real differences are manifested in the exceptions to the duty of confidentiality and the applicability of the duty to in-house lawyers. The exceptions to confidentiality are generally (though not universally) broader in the United States. Do not always assume that US ethics law is the most protective. When it comes to confidential information relating to business crimes or fraud, for example, it often may not be. It is imperative to fully understand and properly analyze confidentiality and choice of law issues where foreign ethics law is involved.
How do corporate counsel successfully meet the challenges of the modern legal department? This article has an answer which comes in the form of change management. A successful change management effort challenges the what, why and how of the way the legal department conducts its business. Change is inevitable — process improvement, metrics and benchmarking, once seen as innovative, are the new norm. Don’t be left behind; learn what you can do to get on the change team.
Outside counsel and law departments call themselves partners, yet law departments rarely consult their legal service providers when planning for succession. Especially for small law departments, soliciting thorough input from law firms can greatly benefit the transition process.
In this publication, the details and secrets of excellent record retention programs are unlocked. Learn how to update traditional methods to better fit your modern workplace. Find a starting point, execute an effective and compliant schedule and evolve with new regulations.
This is a template enterprise license agreement.
This article provides practical antitrust compliance tools for SMEs and larger companies.
This program will use humor, and chocolate, to provide an overview of equipment leasing from an accounting, tax and legal perspective and the ramifications thereof. There will also be a section discussing practical points (i.e., what to look for) when reviewing an equipment lease. Leave this session on a chocolate high with practical tips to negotiate into your next equipment lease.
This report shares leading practices for legal departments on how to engage their outside counsel most effectively with respect to setting DEI standards.
Much of the discussion around litigation is focused on companies involved in numerous lawsuits, but the reality is most organizations face few lawsuits of any significance each year. While the litigation landscape has changed in the past few years, what – if anything – should these low-litigation companies do to prepare? Many inside counsel believe they should probably be doing something, but how much preparedness do we really need, and how do we balance this with restrictive budgets? This panel of inside counsel from companies that historically have not had much litigation will address the extent the current litigation landscape in 2010 impacts their planning, what types of activities they are doing to prepare, traps low-litigation companies in particular face, as well as how they developed a business case for senior management for undertaking the readiness activities they pursued.
Learn about the implications of the US Supreme Court's decision of June 30, 2002, in the case West Virginia v. EPA.
The purpose of this Policy is to establish standards and expectations regarding any company-related use of Social Media.
While a corporate legal department may not be the ideal environment to foster a balance between work and life is it even possible to achieve? Here, the authors look at the obstacles standing in the way of in-house counsel attempting to strike that balance in order to find out if work/life balance is in fact possible to find or if it is merely a myth.
It's not just boiler plate! This program will help you negotiate important clauses even with the 800 pound gorillas that everyone says will not change their "standard" contract language. To do this, you need to get past the gatekeepers. Those gatekeepers are internal and the other side with whom you are negotiating. Build influence by choosing the important issues to negotiate and help your internal constituents understand the importance to gain momentum. The panel will present negotiation and drafting tips designed to complement and refine your approach based upon differing internal and external pressures to "get the deal done."
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