This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in the United Arab Emirates.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules on marketing undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities in Europe.
Guidance on transferring management/ownership of a company in Canada. Includes guidance on keeping business in the family or selling to an outsider.
Traditional manual analysis of patent documents is no match for the flood of patent data inundating your office. Despite limits, current automated patent analysis tools can help you stay competitive. This article describes the tools available and how you can apply them. You can start using these tools to support cutting-edge strategies, such as patent radar, precision patenting, and right-sizing of patent portfolios. You can create small, powerful, blocking patent portfolios that will discourage competitors while enabling you to forge new partnerships and prune deadwood from your patent orchard. Why use a handsaw when you can use a power saw?
Review this checklist and learn key sanctions and export controls red flags. This informative guidance is based on the European Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/1318 of 30 July 2019 on internal compliance programmes for dual-use trade controls under Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.
This article on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) focuses on the preliminary documentation used to frame an M&A transaction, usually Memorandums of Understanding (“MOUs”), Letters of Intent (“LOIs”) and Term Sheets (each or collectively, a “Preliminary Document”). Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
Hostage US Director John Schafer, and keynote speaker at ACC and Lex Mundi's "Investing in Africa" event in New York, discusses duty of care and the importance of risk assessments for companies expanding to the continent.
Each of the respective industries in healthcare face different issues when negotiating contracts. This program will highlight what are essential provisions to be included in health care agreements from the perspective of hospitals, providers, medical device companies, pharmaceutical companies and health plans. Concepts to be discussed include the requirements of the variety of U.S. and international laws impacting the healthcare industry, the different needs of for-profits and non-profits, and the changes imposed by healthcare reform.
Digital communications and electronically stored data come with inherent vulnerabilities and the potential for employer liability. Harnessing the power of the digital age while controlling workplace risks is a challenge. The notion of electronic communications and social media in the workplace has changed drastically over the past decade, morphing from activities employers often sought to limit to required activities of one’s job in many occupations, including those that will help grow the business. This InfoPAK covers laws impacting privacy and data security and best practices for reducing workplace information risk. It also discusses the particular benefits and risks of the company’s use of social media and social networking technologies. Finally, it looks at the issues in employment litigation arising out of digital information and communications.
Discusses legal outsourcing, consumer and commercial customer protection, and the state of technology in Canada.
Have you ever received a surprise invoice from a software supplier issuing an audit that you mistakenly agreed to? If you haven’t, you will. In an effort to combat this growing trend, in-house counsel should modernize their software management processes, and negotiate the terms of any audit clause to protect both the business and the budget.
There are many reasons why companies migrate to Switzerland: lower corporate
income tax rates, a stable and predictable legal environment, and a flexible labor law. There are also disadvantages. Before you pack up and head for the snowy Alps, learn more about what relocation really entails.
Effective support of a company’s sales function requires striking the right balance between making it easy and efficient for the company and its customers to contract with each other, while appropriately protecting the company against key risks. Legal departments are required to do more with less, so the approach taken to supporting the sales function must be efficient. The panelists will discuss strategies for achieving these goals, including identification of different customer types and approaches for each type, clear identification of key risks and tolerances, contract simplification and the use of plain English, sales force training and self-help tools, and processes to streamline the collection of information, drafting, negotiation, authorization and tracking of contracts.
Learn about top 2021 developments and 2022 predictions in the Life Sciences & Healthcare sector in China.
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of key legal and regulatory aspects of doing business in Germany. This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series which provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in jurisdictions around the world.
A presentation on how to open offices in foreign countries.
When there's a new in-house counsel added to your team, or you might be the new one, you can follow these top ten suggestions to increase the probability of success in such a transition.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
. This course will help you (1) recognize legal and ethical issues as they arise in the workplace, (2) respond appropriately to those issues, and (3) perform your jobs with the utmost integrity. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
If you had only known you can learn everything you need to know about surviving the transition to in-house law practice from Duran Duran, The Breakfast Club, and Prince, you might have spent a lot more time at concerts than in the library during the 1980s, right? Phil Strauss translates the lessons in his guide to the facts of in-house life.
As legal departments continue to deal with increased expenses, insufficient resources and technological advancements, the role of key decision-maker has begun to shift from general counsel to senior administrator. Read how several administrators are working to transform the office of the general counsel.
All too often we go through life without questioning how and why we are where we are, and what and how can we improve who we are. Here are a few questions that would serve us well to explore from time to time.
Your company is on the brink of a major merger or acquisition and there isn't a lot of time to prepare a physical dataroom for the many documents involved. Why not create a virtual dataroom instead? This article looks at some of the benefits of going virtual - allowing your company advisers to review documents and saving you time.
Learn about recent developments in South African e-commerce developments, including a new Cybercrime Act, e-commerce warnings, regulation of crypto assets and Africa central bank digital currency.
Motor vehicles are substantial sources of pollutants that cause smog and contribute to climate change. Taking a cue from California, which has always been at the forefront of fuel regulations, this interactive session will review the current rules affecting mobile sources, particularly transportation fuels. Faculty will then examine the various business risks and opportunities presented by alternative fuels programs and advanced vehicle technology programs. How are low carbon fuel standards credits different from renewable identification numbers? Are fuel cell vehicles the same as electric vehicles? How can companies take advantage of these rules and programs?
The expansion of global trade has been met with an increase in security concerns and aggressive enforcement of export-control laws. Learn the risks associated with the acquisition of an exporting company and how to get prepared if you are a seller or a buyer.
Five thousand in-house counsel from 73 countries told the Association of Corporate Counsel what they thought about job satisfaction and career mobility in the recently published 2015 Global Census Report. As a member of the Brazilian corporate lawyers community for five years and an ACC member, I encouraged my compatriots to participate in the census.
Discusses the pivotal issues and re-evaluates the unauthorized practice of law in light of the California Supreme Courts Birbrower decision.
Many US businesses conduct cross-border transactions with Canadian trading partners. These transactions may involve a security interest in the assets of a Canadian debtor. While Canadian secured transactions law is similar to US state law under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), there are some significant differences that can create confusion for creditors. Secured creditors must understand how to comply with the perfection and priority rules in Canada or they could find their security interests at risk. Acquire a basic understanding of secured transaction, perfection and priority rules under Canada’s Personal Property Security Act (PPSA), including differences between the UCC and PPSA in terminology, filing rules and search practices, as well as the special rules for Ontario and Quebec.
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