Understand what comprises an effective compliance program; Understand how organizations with international business units or markets may need to address language barriers and cultural issues when it comes to codes of conduct, compliance training, investigations and remedial actions; Learn to implement and maintain effective monitoring mechanisms and audit plans, which pose ongoing challenges for in-house counsel whose compliance hat is often one of many in their closet; Discuss the implications of compliance reporting channels, e.g., reports to the general counsel/chief legal officer vs. reports to the chief compliance officer; and Learn the nuts and bolts of rolling out and maintaining an effective global compliance program.
The 2012 amendments to the American Bar Association Rules amended the comments to Rule 1.1 to say: "A lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology." What does the change mean for attorneys in general and specifically in-house counsel? What technology is out there that in-house counsel can use to more efficiently run their departments? This interactive roundtable session will focus not only on the potential ethical implications of technology but on how the legal department can work with the IT manager or chief information officer to cooperatively achieve results in the areas of litigation holds, data security, review of IT-related contracts, document retention, and internal investigations. Faculty will provide guidance on explaining the contract terms and legal risks to your IT department and answer important questions like: What questions do I need to ask my IT department to properly evaluate the risks and contract terms? What happens if the product or service does not perform as expected? The panel will also examine everything from apps that improve efficiency to document management system tools that help with litigation.
James Wong provides insight into appropriate eating and drinking habits during a formal Chinese banquet.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides an overview of key issues to address, the content of each of these document, intellectual property issues, and employment issues on an international joint venture. In addition, this document provides an analysis of the various legal structures that are commonly used as vehicles for international joint ventures control and minority protection at board and shareholder level, key competition issues, and deadlock and termination provisions in the context of an international corporate joint venture.
This guide is part of the Lex Mundi Guides to Doing Business series and provides general information about legal and business infrastructures in South Africa.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of the lending mark, forms of security over assets, special purpose vehicles in secured lending, quasi-security, negative pledge, guarantees and loan agreements in England and Wales.
The guide presents overviews on general data privacy laws on personally identifiable information, personal health information, financial information and other sensitive data in different jurisdictions around the world.
This session will present an overview of significant legal and policy developments in EU competition law over the last year, the latest trends in competition litigation and what it means for you in practice.
This article analyzes three court cases claimed to contain "ambiguity" or "ambiguous words."
This article is a practical cross-border insight into mergers and acquisitions.
This policy provides general guidance and references to other applicable policies regarding the practice for employee creation and use of web-based and multi-media communications tools for internal or external use, whether internally or externally hosted applications.
Like it or not, different territories have different laws. There are 28 states in the European Union and across these states there are tranches of relatively harmonised laws in certain areas. The basic underlying laws of contract and case law or codes which aid their interpretation are, however, all different. Nearly every in-house counsel has faced the task of tackling an impending overseas deal when only local state law governed terms are at hand. Staring down the barrel at an unknown legal system, a familiar scene plays out: localise or push ahead with what we've got?
Informative resources for in-house lawyers on topics such as navigating employment and workplace considerations, geopolitical risks, business continuity, crisis response, and cybersecurity.
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers key legal issues, rules and developments regarding merger control across a range of jurisdictions.
Top ten tips to illustrate how taking a holistic, enterprise-wide view of contract management will aid in striking the balance between risk and business objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
This is a sample company employee handbook.
This presentation examines litigation strategy in major European markets such as Germany, the Netherlands, UK and France and discusses how to protect your brand and whether the WTO dispute settlement mechanism provides for a suitable alternative.
Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is just the most recent in a long line of technologies that creates questions of responsible use.
As GAI use among lawyers increases, attorneys should be prepared to understand the ethical implications when using GAI.
This Quick Overview discusses how sports and entertainment employers that have noncompete agreements with their employees in the US, or are considering them, should respond to developments at the federal and state levels.
In-house counsel know the high price for bungled e-discovery. But complying with e-discovery requests can just about put some companies into the poorhouse. Use this guide to proactively reduce e-discovery costs.
A company negotiating an agreement to sell products to the government of a foreign country should consider a few steps for mitigating risk. Implementing these steps will be particularly important if the foreign country has had some prior political unrest and has insisted that any transaction must be handled in their judicial system.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
Written Submission of the American Corporate Counsel Association to the ABA Task Force on Corporate Responsibility
(The"Cheek Commission?), November 11, 2002.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Canada.
This sample policy shows the need to have a policy which ensures that employees who use social media either as part of their job, or in a personal capacity, have guidance as to the company's expectations where the social media engagement is about the company, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations.
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