Understand what comprises an effective compliance program; Understand how organizations with international business units or markets may need to address language barriers and cultural issues when it comes to codes of conduct, compliance training, investigations and remedial actions; Learn to implement and maintain effective monitoring mechanisms and audit plans, which pose ongoing challenges for in-house counsel whose compliance hat is often one of many in their closet; Discuss the implications of compliance reporting channels, e.g., reports to the general counsel/chief legal officer vs. reports to the chief compliance officer; and Learn the nuts and bolts of rolling out and maintaining an effective global compliance program.
Abuse and discrimination claims, climate change, and forever chemicals are only a few examples of how corporate America is under attack from new liabilities. More and more, companies must count on insurance companies for assistance, all while insurance companies are under pressure to deny coverage. This session will examine the insurance trends in 2024 regarding these new liabilities and provide meaningful insights and analyses for any company seeking to recover insurance proceeds or deciding what coverage it should buy.
Presented in cooperation with Anderson Kill P.C.
Around the globe, corporations are overwhelmingly looking to close the diversity gap. However, a disparity remains between the growth of gender and racial diversity — with gender diversity growing at a faster pace. By decoding this phenomenon, in-house counsel can better understand the impact of this shift, and adapt processes to reap the benefits of having a truly diverse work force.
Your company is in crisis mode - the possibility of a distressed acquisition is looming. While it's natural to panic, this may be an opportunity. Learn how to help reshape the business with a well structured acquisition of it and restructured relationships with key stakeholders.
Recent privacy laws stand to offer new protections for consumers and more headaches for those adhering to the compliance requirements. Learn key strategies and tools you can use to better implement the new privacy mandates.
This InfoPAK is designed to provide corporate counsel with a general overview of intellectual property and to suggest useful practices for the handling of intellectual property in the corporate setting.
This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2010 piece, features law department leading practices for generating and demonstrating value through a number of value levers, as well as best practices for improving the bottom line and enhancing collation across business units. In wake of the economic downturn in the last decade and the increased pressure to “do more with less,” six participating corporations share their best value-sustaining practices in law department staffing, targeted practice areas, outside counsel management, strategic planning and the use of metrics to measure and track best practices.
In-house counsel advising businesses that operate in France (or working in French businesses that operate in other countries) should be aware of the French mechanisms for deferred prosecution agreements and plea bargaining. This article gives an overview of what in-house corporate counsel should consider in this respect when their company faces criminal proceedings in France.
Here are the top ten considerations for a whistleblower to consider before acting in cases involving the United States Dodd Frank Act.
This policy provides general guidance and references to other applicable policies regarding the practice for employee creation and use of web-based and multi-media communications tools for internal or external use, whether internally or externally hosted applications.
This discussion aims to educate law department leaders on how to effectively communicate the value of strategic initiatives to the broader legal team to achieve buy in, including how to manage change, how to execute against plan, how to measure success, how to report on progress and demonstrate quantifiable outcomes.
Veera Rastogi, Worldwide VP of Law, Supply Chain, Real Estate, Procurement & Technology, J&J | |
Jen Warner, President, Raleys | |
Bill Casey, Global Lead Division Counsel, Harman Connected Services | |
Steve Harmon, COO and GC, Elevate | |
Devdeep Ghosh, Vice President, Consulting, Elevate |
Like it or not, different territories have different laws. There are 28 states in the European Union and across these states there are tranches of relatively harmonised laws in certain areas. The basic underlying laws of contract and case law or codes which aid their interpretation are, however, all different. Nearly every in-house counsel has faced the task of tackling an impending overseas deal when only local state law governed terms are at hand. Staring down the barrel at an unknown legal system, a familiar scene plays out: localise or push ahead with what we've got?
Informative resources for in-house lawyers on topics such as navigating employment and workplace considerations, geopolitical risks, business continuity, crisis response, and cybersecurity.
The question and answer format of this article makes it an accessible, quick read for those looking to do business in Manitoba.
Selected cases and materials related to limitation on liability.
In this multi-country guide, learn the rules for the protection of trade secrets in a wide range of jurisdictions.
Top ten tips to illustrate how taking a holistic, enterprise-wide view of contract management will aid in striking the balance between risk and business objectives in a timely and efficient manner.
This presentation examines litigation strategy in major European markets such as Germany, the Netherlands, UK and France and discusses how to protect your brand and whether the WTO dispute settlement mechanism provides for a suitable alternative.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Australia.
Provides a practical approach and process as well as proven tools and techniques for developing a technology plan that will support the Legal function
At first glance, devising and negotiating payment term policies may appear to be a purely financial endeavor. However, a knowledgeable in-house counsel could craft these policies to help anticipate certain problems, while appeasing parties on both sides of the negotiation. Learn how different policies work and what terms are used to better meet the requirements
of your organization in the United States.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
This sample policy shows the need to have a policy which ensures that employees who use social media either as part of their job, or in a personal capacity, have guidance as to the company's expectations where the social media engagement is about the company, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in the Netherlands.
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