The recent story of two New York attorneys “duped” by ChatGPT into citing “fake” cases in a court submission illustrates some of the risks of using artificial intelligence.
But the attorney missteps in the ChatGPT case are entirely avoidable. And the emergence of generative AI carries extraordinary potential if attorneys can learn to use the technology wisely.
Learn about New Zealand's Personal Data Protection Law, ratified in October 2022.
A focus on efficiency and effectiveness—these were the strategic priorities for the majority of legal teams.
This was a consistent message from corporate law departments around the world. In Europe respondents placed particular emphasis on the drive for efficiency. In this report, in-house counsel will learn about the priorities and implementation strategies of European corporate departments.
The European Commission has extensive powers to investigate possible infringements of EC competition law, including the power to carry out on-the-spot investigations at a company’s premises, if necessary, without prior warning (so-called dawn raids). This article provides information about your company’s rights and obligations in responding to a dawn raid.
Comment letter in response to a Notice of Proposed Priorities
Ready to move from the billable hour to value-based fee structures for at least some of your outside counsel spend? Not sure how to decide which fee structures are most appropriate for which matter types or stages of matters? Come to this session to learn how to put together your own decision tree. We’ll walk through the considerations you need to weigh when deciding fee structures – with a focus on two increasingly popular approaches: risk collars and fixed fees. We recommend that you combine this with session 401, to expand your toolkit of options.
This Guide provides an overview of law important to companies doing business in Idaho, USA, including law related to corporate organization, taxation, investment, labor and employment, dispute resolution, etc.
Teaching law school is an exciting opportunity for in-house counsel to share their practical knowledge and help develop the next generation of lawyers. View a compilation of course proposals, syllabi, and exams, that have been created and used by members of the in-house community who have taught or are teaching a class in law school.
This resource (Quick Overview) summarizes some distinctions in laws that impact records management in different regions throughout the world.
This article explains how in-house counsel can advise their clients who desire to terminate international distributors and agents.
Transborder disputes present special management challenges to in-house counsel because strategies and outcomes depend as much on culture as on legal systems. Your domestic case management system may not identify and cope with all of the cultural differences, and your outside counsel may not have cross-border experience to fill the gaps. This article presents a sampler of types of issues by which you can assess your needs in the complex transborder environment, offers a broad range of relevant and informative questions, illustrated with examples from the authorsÕ experience, and suggests how you can expand the transnational resources of your team.
This ACC Guide (InfoPak) provides an overview of the fair use doctrine under US law, and offers guidance in navigating its application.
Annexes to the impact assessment.
Deutsches Institut für Compliance (DICO) guidelines provide the reader with practical and actionable recommendations on Compliance issues.
This article is designed to provide insights into notable data breaches that took place in Q2 2014 and identify trends with the objective of answering principal questions.
Listed entities should familiarise themselves with the recent changes ASX has made to Listing Rules and Guidance Notes, particularly in relation to disclosure and capital raising.
Some would argue that finding the right people is paramount to outlining strategies and tactics. When running a legal department, however, perhaps that order should be reversed: First, what ... then who. With discipline and commitment, legal departments can achieve significant cost savings and operational efficiencies by implementing this approach.
In this brief article, in-house counsel can learn about the two main provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and how it impacts their law departments within the the United States.
In this presentation, topics such as employee entitlements and how they accrue, sale of business/impact on employees and entitlement upon termination will be discussed.
The Guide to the ACC Value Challenge in Europe is a user-friendly resource designed for both those who are just beginning to look at value in the in-house legal function, and those who have already made progress in delivering value.
Each chapter provides basic guidelines and a few more advanced approaches. Some chapters may be more useful to those just starting out on the ACC Value Challenge, and other chapters may provide greater benefit to those who are already leading initiatives to increase value from external or internal resources. The case examples included in the guide provide a range of beginning to advanced steps as well. <br><br>Download the PDF, or view the interactive digital edition at <a href=""> </a>
Singapore is a major center for trade relationships with other Asian countries as well as the rest of the world. Its familiarity with the English language, the English legal structure, and its high regard for the rule of law and ease of doing business make Singapore an attractive location for Western companies seeking to establish a presence in Asia. This program will explore the advantages and disadvantages of centralizing Asian operations and trading relationships in Singapore. It will examine the organizational structures that are available in Singapore and other practical issues relating to establishing a business presence in Singapore, including hiring staff and protecting intellectual property. The panel will also consider the impact of using a Singapore entity in cross-border commercial arrangements, including considerations regarding choice of law and dispute resolution options.
Learn about several aspects of compliance with state laws and regulations, including labor and employment aspects to setting up operations in a state, including minimum wage issues, IC v employee and "founder's syndrome;" and regulatory aspects, including sales tax exemptions, lobbying and campaign finance regulations.
This Workplace Bullying training course will help you understand (1) what bullying is and how it affects the workplace; (2) how to respond to bullying; and (3) the standards of civility that we expect from all employees in our work environment. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Being sued for patent infringement can strike fear into the heart of the most seasoned in-house counsel. But some patent owners seek to resolve issues of alleged infringement outside of litigation, and this typically starts with a demand letter. Initially published December 2, 2022; republished March 30, 2023.
The Libson Treaty amendments to Europe’s legal regime were beyond the interests of the press last December, but some will affect corporate counsel dealing with European legislative or regulatory compliance issues. Understand institutional and legal process reforms under the Libson Treaty, and know what to look for in upcoming EU policy prioritization.
David C. Cannon Jr., of PPG Industries, explains how corporations with proactive environmental programs that lead rather than be led by the regulators are sharpening their companies’ competitive edge.
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