"But the lawyers signed off on it..." is a common refrain that in-house counsel hear about their duties. In this article, learn more about how to add value to your work through some due diligence practices.
This article discusses the US Securities and Exchange Commission's rule implementing Section 954 of the Dodd-Frank Act, which requires listed companies to implement clawback policies to recover incentive-based compensation received by current or former executive officers in the event of certain financial restatements.
This article is a summary of major copyright developments between December 2014 and March 2015.
Planning the integration of an acquired company’s legal department into an acquiring company’s legal department can be a grueling process. Based on past M&A experiences, here are 200 practical issues that ensure a smooth transition when considered and addressed prior to the closing of the acquisition.
Privacy on the Go recommends a “surprise minimization” approach. This approach means supplementing the general privacy policy with enhanced measures to alert users and give them control over data practices that are not related to an app’s basic functionality or that involve sensitive information.
If your company decides to establish a business presence in another<br />country by partnering with a local firm, what considerations come into play in structuring and implementing a joint venture with the local partner? This program will examine the practical considerations relating to structuring the joint venture and negotiating its key terms,<br />including management control provisions and mechanisms to exit the joint<br />venture, seconding or transferring employees to the joint venture and cultural considerations in dealing with your local partner.
In this publication, the details and secrets of excellent record retention programs are unlocked. Learn how to update traditional methods to better fit your modern workplace. Find a starting point, execute an effective and compliant schedule and evolve with new regulations.
This article discusses the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Groff v. DeJoy which clarifies that for employers to deny accommodation to an employee under Title VII, they must demonstrate "substantial increased costs" in conducting their business, a definition going beyond "de minimis" hardship. However, the Court refrained from undermining Title VII’s
special statutory protection for seniority systems.
This session targets communicating key antitrust topics to your sales team.
Because every business has employees, buy-sell agreements involve employees. This article provides a practical guide to the necessary, and not-so obvious, labor and employment issues that should be on in-house counsel’s “radar screen” when conducting merger and acquisition due diligence.
This guide provides a straightforward overview of the law and practice which applies in a wide-ranging number of jurisdictions where CMS are able to provide legal advice. This guide provides an answer to each of the 20 questions for each jurisdiction.<br />
Explore ethical considerations involving electronic file sharing, accessibility and storage, as well as document retention and destruction.
Our first wave of subpoenas has gone out, with several served on nonparty competitors. And the first response... is a threat to impose sanctions and costs on us? But we have a right to discovery of relevant information! How can we be made to pay for their costs and attorneys' fees? Let me see: Cost-shifting is what they call it -- and we may find ourselves on the wrong side of this issue.
Learn how privacy in the workplace is addressed legally and in practice in Brazil.
This discussion will address the Yates Memorandum, which emphasizes the US Department of Justice’s intent to hold individuals more accountable for organizational misconduct. We will talk about its implications and potential impact on global companies, particularly in the life sciences and healthcare industries. The discussion will address the recent Warner indictment as an example of Yates Memorandum enforcement in practice and provide recommendations on best practices to avoid such risks.
This article discusses the unanimous US Supreme Court decision that has effectively disavowed the long-standing de minimis standard in Groff v. Dejoy, clarifying Title VII's undue hardship standard to mean "substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business."
Transaction standards and approaches
for mergers and acquisitions are not harmonized across jurisdictions. The vagaries in legal systems range from how diligence is used to allocate risk among the parties to the effect of post-closing remedies in a purchase agreement. Learn what levers you need to pull as in-house counsel in order to move the deal forward.
Learn about legal issues that frequently arise in social media advertising, at an era where negative posts can be extremely damaging and hard to effectively control after their release. This short article discusses commercial social media posts, giveaways, contests, sweepstakes and similar promotions, confidential information, copyright and trademark infringement, rights of publicity and privacy, user generated content, endorsements, direct messages, privacy and data security, records retention and spoliation.
Learn about the potential introduction of a digital Euro.
Never has there been a more complex time in the US energy regulatory regime. This program will be an interactive discussion among in-house counsel at companies in energy (energy companies, hedge funds, banks), addressing the best practices, lessons learned and current challenges when complying with Dodd-Frank.
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