Understand what comprises an effective compliance program; Understand how organizations with international business units or markets may need to address language barriers and cultural issues when it comes to codes of conduct, compliance training, investigations and remedial actions; Learn to implement and maintain effective monitoring mechanisms and audit plans, which pose ongoing challenges for in-house counsel whose compliance hat is often one of many in their closet; Discuss the implications of compliance reporting channels, e.g., reports to the general counsel/chief legal officer vs. reports to the chief compliance officer; and Learn the nuts and bolts of rolling out and maintaining an effective global compliance program.
A review of procedures for foreign shareholders participating in shareholders meetings in Brazil.
Some companies like Wal-Mart have signed “A Call to Action” in order to achieve diversity and this article takes a look at what signing this document means, the current state of the legal profession in terms of diversity, and what you can be doing in your own department.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines tips for evaluating relevant issues and recommendations for proceeding through bankruptcy issues.
When there is credible evidence that senior corporate management has engaged in illegal activity, what is the responsibility of the chief legal officer (CLO)? Congress, through its enactment of the Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 (SOX), has called upon CLOs in particular to be buffers against corporate abuse. This article addresses the limitations and failures of SOX, and suggests what can be done to empower CLOs.
ACC presents a rundown of all the important, need-to-know changes and updates within the Securities and Exchanges Commission.
This article offers some considerations for manufacturers and distributors with products in Ontario and some practical suggestions for managing and avoiding expensive and reputation or relationship damaging product liability claims.
Would you feel comfortable if your company outsourced its key technology, ecommerce, or information management-related functions using agreements that did not cover the most critical contractual issues? Of course not. This article provides a "Top 10" list of important legal issues that you should address in technology, ecommerce, and information management outsourcing agreements. The list includes some issues that, although not necessarily new or unique to outsourcing transactions, are at a premium in such agreements. The article also provides some sample contractual language that you can use as a starting point to address key legal issues specific to your company.
This article offers practical tips on how to "flip the coin," suggesting that in-house counsel help outside counsel become genuinely more client-focused and thus better able to deliver value, not just time and effort.
Ben Franklin knew a thing or two about inventions and money, though not so much about patent litigation. You can use his wisdom, though, to curb many of patent litigation's costs. Read how up-front investments in defining clear goals, selecting top-notch counsel, retaining the right experts, and realistically analyzing the merits and costs will save you money in the long run.
Settlements resolve nearly all legal disputes, but settlement remains an ad hoc event and is rarely treated as the defined process it should be. Settlement counsel are another tool in your arsenal
An intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT) due diligence request list for use in connection with an M&A transaction. This request list is designed for IP specialists and is specific to IP and IT-related issues. This Standard Document has integrated notes<br />with important explanations and drafting tips.
In this Quick Overview, learn more about the guidelines, coverage, compliance responsibilities, and personal information qualifications present in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
In the big picture world of project management, ensuring the overall success of a project is a project manager''s top priority. If a project goes wildly over-budget (as they often do), it will not be considered a success, even if it''s delivered on time and meets the customer or client needs. That''s why project managers need to better manage their project plans and budgets. Learn the strategies and techniques for maintaining control of your internal and external projects and budgets and preventing massive cost overruns. This session will help you identify and develop the building blocks and steps that, if followed as a single unit and truly embraced by the entire team, will provide the roadmap to project management perfection.
PowerPoint presentation related to process and project management.
The U.S. Department of Labor has blogged about the safety of workers during the busy holiday season, indicating an area of potential enforcement for OSHA in the coming weeks. As this is the season for office holiday parties, check out this article from Seyfarth Shaw detailing tips to minimize your organization’s exposure to legal liability and, more importantly, prevent an undesirable incident from occurring at your office holiday party.
Last month, the Delaware Court of Chancery and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), each analyzed the response of the McDonald’s board to allegations of serious misconduct by the company’s most senior executives. As a result, non-director officers may face liability for failing to properly oversee the corporation’s affairs and ignoring “red flags” within their “areas of responsibility.” To learn more read this article developed by Latham & Watkins.
This is a sample privacy policy statement.
Recent studies show that when we are part of a collective group (e.g., a group we have joined), we are far less likely to post unique, different or contrarian messages to that group.
Read this 2011 Tabbie Award-winning article!
Companies and employees might apply the “What happens in Vegas...” motto when using social media in the corporate environment; this mindset, however, could cause more than the proverbial hangover. From FLSA and NLRA violations to discrimination and harassment, many legal issues can potentially stem from unchecked social networking. Guide your client with a clear policy.
Let’s face it, “running your department like a business” is no longer a goal but an expectation of the C-suite. Whether you are fully on board or still struggling to catch up, there are a few basic principles that will help you think and manage like a business owner. This intermediate-level program will give participants proven strategies to enhance the bottom line of the legal departments they manage. Your budget conversations with the CFO will never be the same!
Contract manufacturing involves negotiation between two parties: the manufacturer and the brand name owner. For commercial purposes, the arrangement works well. Each party is able to focus on their core competencies. However, when the lawyers sit down to hammer out the contracts, problems often arise. Three strategies can resolve contractual issues: the one-to-one contracting model, agreements in tandem, or a Joinder, which brings the contract manufacturer under the terms of the Master Agreement.
Alternative litigation finance (“ALF”) refers to the funding of litigation activities by entities other than the parties themselves, their counsel, or other entities with a preexisting contractual relationship with one of the parties, such as an indemnitor or a liability insurer.
To understand the driving forces behind the evolving role of the CLO and of corporate legal departments, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) reached out to 9,600 indi- viduals. Survey results reflect data* from more than 1,200 individuals in 41 countries who serve as the organization’s chief legal officer or general counsel (referred to as the CLO in this report). From roles and responsibilities to salaries, skills and work environments, the study explored a broad range of topics.
New this year is a comparative analysis of the data from the 2013 and 2014 survey results, thereby addressing current trends facing law departments.
This is an Insights article provides a current outlook on real estate crowdfunding.
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