These are top ten recommendations for universities when engaging a search firm to recruit athletic directors and high level coaches in the United States.
"But the lawyers signed off on it..." is a common refrain that in-house counsel hear about their duties. In this article, learn more about how to add value to your work through some due diligence practices.
Legal Operations Job Description Compilation
The EU AI Act is hotly anticipated as being a benchmark AI law that other jurisdictions might look towards when developing their own laws (much like GDPR has become a standard upon which some other countries’ own laws are based). First, much like the GDPR in terms of impact, the EU AI Act will have an extra-territorial scope, extending to providers and users of AI outside the EU where the output is used in the EU. Secondly, the Act does lay down fixed penalties for certain infringements of the Act, the highest fine being 30,000,000 EUR or 6% of a company’s total worldwide annual turnover (3% in the case of an SME or start-up) for non-compliance with the prohibitions of AI practices.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from responses posted on the Health Law and Employment & Labor eGroups, addresses the process of terminating an employee and the legal department's role in that process. The issues discussed include: 1) Company Checklist for Terminating an Employee, 2)When/How Legal Department Is Involved in Terminations, and 3) Legal Department Checklist.
This primer considers in detail the use of English law in Belt & Road transactions.
Ready to move from the billable hour to value-based fee structures for at least some of your outside counsel spend? Not sure how to decide which fee structures are most appropriate for which matter types or stages of matters? Come to this session to learn how to put together your own decision tree. We’ll walk through the considerations you need to weigh when deciding fee structures – with a focus on two increasingly popular approaches: risk collars and fixed fees. We recommend that you combine this with session 401, to expand your toolkit of options.
This Wisdom of the Crowd, compiled from questions and responses posted on the Employment & Labor Forum, addresses whether an employer needs consent from its employees to use employees' photos taken at the employer's offices or events.
The expansion of global trade has been met with an increase in security concerns and aggressive enforcement of export-control laws. Learn the risks associated with the acquisition of an exporting company and how to get prepared if you are a seller or a buyer.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the legal framework for international arbitration in a wide range of jurisdictions.
As the pay equity legal landscape evolves, employers must confront gender-based discrimination, plummeting morale, and publicity issues. Implement these solutions to minimize your risk of claims.
Every year ACC conducts a CLO survey in conjunction with its Annual Meeting. The 2006 Chief Legal Officer Survey showed some interesting trends and underscored what we already know—that our jobs are
becoming more complicated. In addition to CLO resources, ACC also has gathered
information and advice for new to in-house lawyers, legal specialists, and law department managers. ACC is committed to focusing on the evolving needs of lawyers at all stages of their career.
This article provides a brief overview of the case Airport Authority v Persons Unlawfully and Willfully Obstructing or Interfering with the Proper Use of the Hong Kong International Airport [2020] HKCFI 2743. This case is noteworthy because the Judge employed new technologies in order to effect substitute service during the proceedings, making room for the use of other technologies in civil litigation in the future.
Learn strategies for in-house counsel and the legal department to plan and support the effective implementation of a records retention policy and schedule for the business. This in-depth guide presents key challenges regarding the execution of a records retention schedule, a comparison of different methods, strategies to get started, and tips on employee behavior change management and training, legacy paper and electronic disposition, addressing offsite records, and upgrading a records program to information governance.
This Top Ten deals with the growth of telehealth in the US healthcare industry, and related issues (such as licensure, insurance, remote prescribing, and more.
This Top Ten provides an overview of the purpose, development, structure and implications of the the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 2013 Preliminary Cybersecurity Framework.
Throughout your career, you'll undertake a variety of roles from team member to C-suite leader. Cultivating these traits will help you thrive in each one.
Womble Carlyle's solutions to two client problems involved alternative fee arrangements. This Value Practice resource details these two scenarios and their solutions.
This is a list of reference materials for the session.
General counsels are always under pressure to transform legal departments and through contracts, the legal function’s contribution to the bottom line is clearer and makes it easier to build the business case for a technology enabled and workflow optimised legal department.
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