This is a sample manufacturing services agreement between a manufacturer and customer.
Prepare for a new wave of privacy legislation that will significantly impact the global management of consumer privacy information.
In this guide, authored by Lex Mundi contributors, the basic legislative and economic framework of Japan is explained. Learn more about Japan's investment policies, trademarks, exchange controls, structures of business and more in this informative article.
This TerraLex International Merger Notification Handbook has been created to assist with understanding the merger regimes of jurisdictions in which TerraLex members practice.
Ethics codes that comply with Sarbanes-Oxley must offer anonymous whistleblowing; yet such anonymous hotlines and mandatory reporting rules are anathema to many Europeans — especially to those in Germany and France — because reporting via anonymous hotlines smacks of Nazi and
Soviet-style authoritarianism. Multinational companies are caught in the middle of this culture clash. Learn how such companies can successfully meet the competing demands of the laws on both sides of the pond.
Blockchain has become an international phenomenon, supplying digital passports for each transaction in the complex global chain. The applicable legislative and regulatory landscape is evolving. Here's how in-house counsel can stay updated.
This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2010 piece, features law department leading practices for generating and demonstrating value through a number of value levers, as well as best practices for improving the bottom line and enhancing collation across business units. In wake of the economic downturn in the last decade and the increased pressure to “do more with less,” six participating corporations share their best value-sustaining practices in law department staffing, targeted practice areas, outside counsel management, strategic planning and the use of metrics to measure and track best practices.
In this ACC Guide, learn about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), how it compares to the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and gain key takeaways on how to adapt to these regulatory changes.
It may sound like an odd declaration to make, but in the present state of the economy there is no such thing as a secret. This article discusses the vulnerability of a failed businesses’ private data. What happens to the once personal — and considerably privileged — information of former clients, customers, employees and patients?
This policy provides general guidance and references to other applicable policies regarding the practice for employee creation and use of web-based and multi-media communications tools for internal or external use, whether internally or externally hosted applications.
606 - Navigating Employment Law’s Bermuda Triangle - Managing Leave & Reasonable Accommodation Issues
Like it or not, different territories have different laws. There are 28 states in the European Union and across these states there are tranches of relatively harmonised laws in certain areas. The basic underlying laws of contract and case law or codes which aid their interpretation are, however, all different. Nearly every in-house counsel has faced the task of tackling an impending overseas deal when only local state law governed terms are at hand. Staring down the barrel at an unknown legal system, a familiar scene plays out: localise or push ahead with what we've got?
Informative resources for in-house lawyers on topics such as navigating employment and workplace considerations, geopolitical risks, business continuity, crisis response, and cybersecurity.
This report provides an overview of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people.
This article addresses how globally, the hedge fund industry is impacted by countless reforms; including European short selling bans, global derivatives reform and shadow-banking.
Deutsches Institut für Compliance (DICO) guidelines provide the reader with practical and actionable recommendations on Compliance issues.
910 Hiring & Motivating Your Legal Team
This discussion aims to educate law department leaders on how to effectively communicate the value of strategic initiatives to the broader legal team to achieve buy in, including how to manage change, how to execute against plan, how to measure success, how to report on progress and demonstrate quantifiable outcomes.
Veera Rastogi, Worldwide VP of Law, Supply Chain, Real Estate, Procurement & Technology, J&J | |
Jen Warner, President, Raleys | |
Bill Casey, Global Lead Division Counsel, Harman Connected Services | |
Steve Harmon, COO and GC, Elevate | |
Devdeep Ghosh, Vice President, Consulting, Elevate |
This article is a Gotham City street lighting project case study.
This presentation examines litigation strategy in major European markets such as Germany, the Netherlands, UK and France and discusses how to protect your brand and whether the WTO dispute settlement mechanism provides for a suitable alternative.
It’s a connection almost as sacred as any biological bond: the rapport between in-house counsel and clients with global business networks. In the face of litigation, internal documents could be called into evidence and upholding the international sanctity of attorney-client privilege can become knotty. Explore ways to make the law work for you anywhere in the world.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that it “fully expects” to reverse
Medicare Part B rate cuts for separately payable drugs acquired through the 340B Drug Pricing Program,
resulting in an estimated additional $1.96 billion for 340B hospitals. Learn more through this blog post released by Foley & Lardner.
Examines the ethical rules and their interpretation by both courts and ethics' commissions to determine whether an agreement within a settlement package is unethical.
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