The data protection issues raised by outsourcing are important to
virtually every medium or large organization. Most have multiple service providers processing personal information on their behalfâ??a customerservice call center, a pensions/benefits administrator, a payroll administrator. And, an increasing number of organizations have at least some of their data processed offshore. The consequences of ignoring the related data protection issues are significant. It's not just reputational risks that are growing,
there are also legal exposures to fines and civil penalties. In this
article, the authors identify the most common data protection issues created by outsourcing and similar service provider arrangements, and suggest practical solutions for addressing them.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a for international joint ventures, including preliminary notes, identities of the parties, financing and other joint ventures practicalities. These checklists are meant to review issues in a global context.
As cross-border trade and investment continues to grow, so does the need for fair, neutral and efficient resolution of international commercial disputes. International arbitration has emerged as the principal dispute resolution method for such disputes, but has become hampered in recent years by increasing costs and delays. Various proposals have been made to improve the situation. Two of these have already gained traction, namely emergency arbitration and expedited arbitration;and three new proposals are now circulating, namely appeals from arbitral awards, Bilateral Arbitration Treaties, and Hybrid National Arbitration-Courts.
Law firm respond to suggestions of poor customer service differently. This article describes one hypothetical possibility.
This article discusses European Data Protection Board report's list of recommendations for data protection officers in the European Union.
Getting the Deal Through is delighted to publish the ninth edition of Arbitration, a volume in its series of annual reports, which provide international analysis in key areas of law and policy for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners and business people. This chapter focuses on the Dubai International Arbitration Center (DIAC).
Over 55% of IT decision makers state targeted Phishing attacks is their top security threat. In fact, 92% of all malware is delivered by these emails. These emails are difficult. The messages are intended to spark the recipient’s emotion and/or sense of urgency to reply back. The emails appear to be from a legitimate sender. There are numerous ways to educate your users to watch for the signs of a Phishing attack. Be sure to listen to the recording of this presentation to learn more about the phishing scams and a new rising threat for these attacks called the Account Takeover Attacks. Here are some tips for preventing and managing phishing attacks.
Provides a sense of the issues that you need to consider in a document retention policy and discusses the pitfalls associated with any document retention policy (or the absence of one) and some ideas of how to proceed.
In this Top Ten, in-house counsel will ten important points to consider when employers want to recruit people from states that are not part of the European Union (EU) or of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to work in Switzerland.
This Quick Counsel outlines how to hire, train, develop objectives for, and supervise a records management & information governance team.
This course will explain the Canadian federal legislation - the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) - regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Three Party Escrow Service Agreement for Canada
Company-wide training: It sounds good on paper and is theoretically designed to improve your staff's knowledge and performance. But long after the hours are completed, the booklets are shelved and the notes are misplaced, how much will you and your colleagues be able to recall from that hour or so of company training? Find some realistic solutions to making that information stick.
This study explores the changing role of the general counsel by documenting its evolution and predicting the skill sets that will be required for future general counsel to be successful. Central themes to this skill set include the ability to place legal issues in a larger business context, embrace risk and make decisions, communicate with business partners in language they can relate to, and work seamlessly with the executive team and the board of directors to make productive decisions about operations and strategy, which has become increasingly global in scope. The report includes an executive summary, key findings, interview excerpts and the methodology.
Most large organizations use email disclaimers: wording carefully crafted by lawyers, automatically inserted at the end of every email. This article discusses what the disclaimers actually do.
The challenge for most legal departments today is daunting: Do it more, do it quickly, do it with fewer in-house staff, and, above all, keep costs down. Many law departments have come to appreciate that the cultivation of a staff of nonlawyers is as important-if not more important-than staffing corridors of offices full of JDs with sterling credentials. It's a lot less expensive, too.
These Rules and Regulations provide participants (regulated persons) in the capital market with more precise notice of what is expected of them, what conduct will be sanctioned and also promotes fairness and equality of treatment among similarly situated persons.
An intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT) due diligence request list for use in connection with an M&A transaction. This request list is designed for IP specialists and is specific to IP and IT-related issues. This Standard Document has integrated notes<br />with important explanations and drafting tips.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in Singapore.
Five years into the highly touted DuPont Legal Model and its Convergence Program, DuPont’s primary law firms (PLFs) and suppliers reflect upon their experiences in working under the program.
If you have been wondering how to make big leaps to meet demand for legal services in you department, learn how these 2014 ACC Value Champions cut cycle time for contracts and other legal services by using technology, smart staffing and training risk-calibrated work allocation, and by addressing root causes that drive demand.
This article introduces six strategies to expand the legal department's organizational impact.
This is a sample Intellectual Property (IP) due diligence checklist in a corporate acquisition, for the analysis of the seller's IP assets and related matters.
On 16 December 2022, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a notice confirming the Collective Investment Schemes (Individually Recognised Overseas Schemes and Miscellaneous Amendments) Instrument 2022 ("CIS 2022") became effective 1 January 2023. CIS 2022 introduces changes to the ‘s272 regime’ contained in Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSMA”) for recognising overseas collective investment funds. The Collective Investment Schemes sourcebook (“COLL”), the Decision Procedure and Penalties manual (“DEPP”) and the Glossary of definitions of the FCA Handbook are amended.
An overview of the process necessary to enter corporate litigation. Includes guides to preparing for litigation, litigation holds and internal discovery, outside litigation counsel, conducting effective investigations for litigation or government reviews, paying for litigation, and settlement.
ACC Australia presented a potential ethical scenario to three ACC Australia members and asked them to independently analyse and develop a response to the issues outlined.
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