Statement of The American Chemistry Council, The Association of Corporate Counsel, and The National Association of Manufacturers
Before the United States Sentencing Commission, November 15, 2005,
Washington, DC. Regarding the Need to Amend the Commentary to Section 8C2.5, Regarding Waiver of the Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine
This Information Security training course will explain an Information Security Policy and will help you (1) recognize what information should be protected, (2) handle that information appropriately, and (3) recognize security breaches and know how to report them. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Learn practical tips with your peers on handling key provisions such as indemnification, limitation of liability, insurance, warranties, change management, delivery and acceptance, price, payment and performance guarantees; Discuss boilerplate pitfalls and other common contract drafting challenges; Gain a deeper understanding of how your peers handle contract negotiation; Learn practical negotiating tips and discuss common negotiation challenges; Discuss relevant ethics rules that may apply in contract negotiations; and Discuss how to manage tensions between business and legal within your organization during the negotiation process.
This session represents a continued discussion from the 2014 ACC Annual Meeting of the risks and rewards of using open-source software (OSS) for internal applications and in products licensed to end users. The session will focus on OSS licensing and compliance management programs, policies and practices. A successful OSS policy ensures compliance with OSS license terms and protects your company’s IP assets while enabling development teams to get the job done. Discussion will include establishing and maintaining a successful OSS compliance process and review of sample policies and practices.
This course will explain what conflicts of interest are and how to avoid them. It will also help you maintain the highest levels of integrity and fairness in the way you conduct business on behalf of our organization. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Recent regulations and future proposed changes likely will encourage in-house counsel to involve themselves in their client's financial affairs and to report improper conduct. In-house counsel need to consider corporate conduct and investigate misconduct. This article discusses the broad responsibilities of in-house counsel and provides an overview of the
post-Enron environment from the in-house perspective.
No matter your age, back-to-school season can still conjure up a heavy dose of nostalgia for fresh beginnings. Even if your classroom days are far behind you, as a legal professional, you never really stop learning. Though lawyers and support staff need continuing legal education (CLE) to meet keep their licenses and certifications current, those shouldn’t be the only reasons to look to professional development. Read on to learn more.
This Workplace Bullying training course will help you understand (1) what bullying is and how it affects the workplace; (2) how to respond to bullying; and (3) the standards of civility that we expect from all employees in our work environment. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
In this article, learn key features of healthcare compliance programs in the United States.
This training course will help you recognize these "red flags" and respond appropriately. If you have any questions about how this material applies to your job responsibilities, please direct them to your supervisor
This course will help you to understand what retaliation is and how to avoid it while carrying out your day-to-day managerial responsibilities.
This course includes information about (1) workplace-violence prevention, (2) risk factors, (3) how to identify a threatening situation, and (4) what to do if you're in or near one. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2005 Leading Practices Profile, Leading Practices in Law Departments Adding Value and Moving Beyond the Cost Center Model, features law department leading practices for generating and demonstrating value to the organization, as well as best practices for improving the bottom line and optimizing collaboration with business units. In the wake of the economic downturn and increased pressure to “do more with less,” 10 participating corporations share their best value-generating and value-sustaining practices in law department staffing, targeted practice areas, outside counsel management, strategic planning and the use of metrics to measure and track value practices.
These guidelines describe private, individual participation in social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, personal blogs, forums, YouTube, Flickr etc. for company employees.
Although globalization offers tremendous promise, it also presents companies with many new challenges. Among them is the need to develop creative, efficient, and responsive functional models for the provision of legal services. Companies establishing operations beyond their home market must decide whether and how to create in-house legal teams to support the broad spectrum of legal needs in other countries. This article offers a glimpse into the myriad of issues that surround those decisions and outlines how some global company law departments have structured themselves in response.
Three elements work together to comprise an effective and successful software license transaction. You may not know them offhand but after reading this article, which details how certain information can raise potential licensing issues, you’ll glean a better understanding of the practical matters swirling around the process.
This September Docket article discusses considerations in drafting contractual indemnification provisions for what we call the “multiple supplier scenario.”
Due diligence is a fundamental tool for decision makers to evaluate whether or not they should move on with a given transaction. A due diligence report provides valuable information for different levels of reports.
A review of new rules by the Brazilian National Council of Private Insurance related to the adjusted new worth of companies for insurance purposes.
This multi-jurisdictional guide provides an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding renewable energy across a range of jurisdictions.
Topics covered include the renewable energy market, sale of renewable energy and financial incentives, consents and permits, and storage.
The rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in recent years has overlapped with the enactment of comprehensive privacy laws by U.S. states. Several of the comprehensive state privacy laws have provisions that specifically address certain uses of AI systems, in particular use in profiling.
This article surveys those provisions and assumes the reader is already familiar with basic concepts in the comprehensive privacy laws, such as controllership and applicability thresholds.
Gain a better understanding of how practicing in-house differs from practicing in a law firm or government agency; Discuss the challenge and importance of developing relationships with your corporate stakeholders and building their ability to trust and listen to you; Discuss ways to highlight the value-add you and your legal department create for the organization; and Hear key tips on how to improve your time management, prioritize work and effectively communicate about your time investment and priorities.
This training course provides an overview of OFAC sanctions and their key provisions. It will help you recognize situations presenting a risk of legal violations and deal with them properly.
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