Attorneys offer litigation predictions so their clients are able to make informed decisions. When coupled with unrealistic expectations, however, a prediction might be mistaken as an assurance of outcome. Make sure your client understands the value and limits of litigation predictions, or else you might be as popular as the local weatherman.
Both corporate legal departments and their outside law firms face challenges in recruiting and developing talented lawyers. When they work together on a mentorship program, they not only find a solution but also improve business.
Arbitration is notorious for consuming too much time and money, especially when multinational businesses are involved. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent this headache. Corporate counsel can strategically minimize costs and promote efficiencies during the entire process, from creating the contract to selecting the country of arbitration.
This is a sample sales agreement between a hotel and group.
This Checklist addresses hiring outside counsel, outside counsel guidelines, applying legal project management principles to legal matters, insourcing and outsourcing legal work, analyzing matter outcomes, and terminating outside counsel.
This survey solicits information regarding code of ethics and business conduct, leadership and tone from the top, internal control systems, training and communication and respondent demographics.
This program will explore the best practices for companies that manage vendors and cybersecurity concerns. Some of the significant questions to be addressed include: What are some best practices for vendor due diligence? How can vendor cybersecurity risks be addressed and mitigated, both contractually and otherwise? What role, if any, should in-house counsel have in vendor management?
Do the various companies in the United States stand together in terms of federal legislative and regulatory efforts to harness market forces in reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? The answer is not intuitive, primarily because of the enormous disparity in GHG emission inventories among companies. California utilities, for example, with one of the lowest CO2 inventories in the country, may find themselves on the short end if federal cap-and-trade policy allows tradable rights based on historic CO2 emissions — a starting point that would benefit utilities in coal-burning states. The panel will begin with a brief primer on cap-and-trade basics, and then launch into a debate on the key issues companies will have to work through as they help shape federal cap-and-trade policy for GHG emissions.
Submission by the Coalition to Preserve the Attorney-Client Privilege regarding the Subcommittee’s Hearings on “White Collar Enforcement (Part 1): Attorney-Client Privilege and Corporate Waivers”
How to Gain Traction: Bootcamp for Leaders of Early Stage Legal Operation Functions
Converging External Counsel Leading Practices in Selecting Implementing and Managing Value Driven Preferred Network
This Leading Practices Profile presents themes, trends and leading convergence practices of six legal departments and three law firms in selecting and managing preferred outside counsel networks as value partners.
Reentry into the workforce can be difficult for women who have taken extended leave from their legal careers. The OnRamp Fellowship eases this transition through its unique reentry platform.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of matters relating to practical issues concerning oil and gas and power including, the domestic oil and gas and electricity sectors, rights to oil and gas, electricity generation and renewable energy, oil and gas health and safety and the environment, and electricity transmission, distribution and supply in the United Kingdom.
As governments around the world enact and enforce ever stricter anticorruption laws, the need to effectively manage sales intermediary corruption risks has become more important than ever.
This short article summarizes ten key areas where in-house counsel may consider the use of data analytics either as a solely in-house measure or in connection with engagements with outside counsel.
This guide is the 2013 edition from Austria-based law firm Wolf Theiss. This guide is meant as a practical guide to renewable energy legislation throughout Europe.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high level overview of the lending mark, forms of security over assets, special purpose vehicles in secured lending, quasi-security, negative pledge, guarantees and loan agreements in Jersey.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of the main trends and significant deals in French construction plans.
This is a Forbes article addressing how crowdfunding has changed real estate investing.
This article identifies the complexities and potential pitfalls of the relationship between in-house and outside counsel in litigation and suggests strategies that in-house counsel can use to manage the in-house/outside counsel relationship effectively and accomplish the corporation's goal of successful dispute resolution. This article also includes a handy checklist.
Regardless of whether you are new to the practice or just new to an in-house role, this article provides a general overview of the practice of United States (US) securities law from a public company in-house counsel perspective. It encourages in-house counsel to expand their knowledge of the federal securities laws and the areas that are integral to the practice – including governance and compliance.
Ethics codes that comply with Sarbanes-Oxley must offer anonymous whistleblowing; yet such anonymous hotlines and mandatory reporting rules are anathema to many Europeans — especially to those in Germany and France — because reporting via anonymous hotlines smacks of Nazi and
Soviet-style authoritarianism. Multinational companies are caught in the middle of this culture clash. Learn how such companies can successfully meet the competing demands of the laws on both sides of the pond.
This edition of the Canadian Briefings contains: an in depth look into how the legal department at the Royal Bank of Canada handles internal investigations, a review on Canada's new two stage merger review process, a look at privacy laws and regulations around the globe and a Canadian Roundup with a focus on the concept of service.
In order for in-house counsel not to find themselves the subject of the next audit committee inquiry at their company, it is vital that they know how to properly investigate and pursue internal allegations of such "white collar" crimes as fraud, theft, and corporate malfeasance. The fact that the allegation is never the only focus of a possible audit means how your legal department responded to the claim should be enough to get you to read the steps in handling such cases outlined here.
United Airlines Business Code of Conduct. Includes policies on ethics, work environment, customer relations, business partnerships, conflicts of interest, and company assets.
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